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Gordon Ramsay Challenges Richard Blais to Make a Next Level Smash Burger | Next Level Kitchen

Next Level Kitchen is back and Gordon is challenging his fellow Next Level Chef Mentor, Chef Richard Blais, to craft him a Smashburger… but not just any pedestrian smashburger, Richard cannot use beef or buns! Richard jumps into action and dreams up a delicious, Next Level Greek inspired Smashburger. Opa! #sponsored @SimplyBeverages

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Greek Smash Burger Wrap Ingredients

6oz ground beef
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp paprika
½ tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch ground allspice
Salt and pepper
1 soft flour tortilla
Olive oil

For the tzatziki:
¼ cucumber
1 small clove garlic, peeled and grated
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup Greek yogurt
Pinch dried dill

To serve:

¼ cup crumbled feta
Tomato, thinly sliced
Cucumber, thinly sliced
Red onion, thinly sliced
Handful pitted kalafmata olives, torn


Combine the ground beef and spices in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and mix together.

Press the beef over the surface of the tortilla in an even layer, leaving a ½ inch gap around the edge.

Heat a little oil in a skillet then add the tortilla beef side-down and fry for 2-3 minutes. Flip and cook for a further minute then remove from the pan.

For the tzatziki, grate the cucumber into a bowl, season with a pinch of salt and leave to stand for 3-4 minutes. Squeeze out the excess water then transfer to a bowl and add the garlic, oil, yogurt and dill. Stir to combine and season to taste.

Spread the tzatziki over the beef and crumbled over the feta. Top with the tomatoes, cucumber red onion and olives.

Fold in half and serve.

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Gordon Ramsay Challenges Richard Blais to Make a Next Level Smashburger | Next Level Kitchen

#GordonRamsay #NextLevelKitchen #GordonRamsayRecipes #GordonRamsayCooking

Let’s risk it all guys is it closed let’s risk it all go for it Whoa Richards is your favorite Chef here dude I hope you’re well it’s so nice to see you off the golf course for one and in a kitchen now I know you used to work at a certain Burger chain before and come on you and I both love Burgers so

Guess what young man the man who’s now playing off scratch honestly um I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with smash bger but not any smash bger a Smash Burger that doesn’t use a traditional bun so get that hair spiked and I can’t wait to see what you going

Be doing in the next level kitchen right there we go all right listen all right Gordon I love a challenge especially when it’s from you and I think I have an idea welcome to Next Level kitchen where the mentors of Next Level chef of which

I am one are being put to the test by Gordon Ramsay himself to help take your cook looking to the next level and this week Gordon challenged me to make one of my favorites a burger but with the next level twist to make a burger without a

Bun now I’ve already raided the platform I’ve grabbed a few things I am going to be making a Greek inspired Smash Burger not on a bun but on a tortilla so first thing we’re going to have to do of course is to get our meat ready for our Burger

This is some ground beef uh and this burger here it’s like 8020 what does 8020 beef mean when you’re shopping for beef it means that it’s 80% lean and 20% fat and that’s a perfect ratio if you get into like 25% fat for ground meat that’s a sausage and if you’re less than

20% it’s to lean so 8020 which is your standard uh mix that you can buy at the store is perfect for me and for you so we got our ground beef in here next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to season it right so I’m going to

Season my ground beef from up high why because it looks really cool when you’re seasoning from up high you can do one of these hey girl hey girl I don’t know why I did the Ryan Gosling Hey girl I should never do that again but you want to season from up

High not because it looks good but because it disperses the seasoning throughout your meat I’m going to add a little bit of black pepper to it as well and now we want to give it that sort of Greek Mediterranean sort of vibe as well so I’m going to add some of my favorite

Seasonings so I’m going to use a little bit of cumin I love cumin one of my favorites of course uh to me I’m going to use all spice all spice is tricky not a lot of all spice just a little bit and when I’m when I’m seasoning uh with a

With a spice that I don’t want to add too much of you notice that I take the spice and then I go to my hand I don’t just go from the container cuz then I could really really put too much all spice salt sugar whatever it is so a

Little bit of all spice uh then I’m going to add some Hungarian paprika this is a sweet paprika when you are using paprika uh please make sure you know if it is spicy or sweet or smoked okay because spicy paprika to me is really really spicy so you want to be very very

Mindful that it’s sweet paprika that’s what that is uh and then this is one of my favorite spices to use in a Savory dish cinnamon it’s not just for apples anymore it’s for ground beef just a little bit gives you that I don’t know what that flavor is and there’s a great

Example I don’t want to add a lot of cinnamon so I had twoo much here don’t do that at home cuz you’ll have to clean it up uh now what I’m going to do is I really want to work this mixture get all of those spices uh going in the bowl

Right again so this is beef with salt pepper I can tell it needs a little bit more salt probably don’t be shy in the salt right don’t be shy in the salt and what I’m going to do here is if this was like a a mixer um I’m sort of getting that meat

To come together you know sometimes you can even just sort of throw it throw it into the bowl and that’s going to help this Smash Burger stick to the tortilla all right listen sort of just break these into balls for Our Patties I’m going to get ready to cook this and

Make a sauce uh I’m going to get my pan on the stove so that can heat up and then here is my flour tortilla here’s what we’re going to do we have now now our ground meef beef mixture our Burger it’s spiced really really nice I can

Smell it and listen if something smells good there’s a good chance that it’s going to taste good except you can’t smell salt so that’s the one thing that’s the one thing you can smell all right I’m going to add a maybe a little bit more beef to this uh and again I’m

Going to smash this into the griddle or the Pan what you do want to make sure is that it’s a thin layer of meat and that you leave a little bit of room almost like a pizza we’re kind of like making a pizza get this off all the

Way out to the side nice and nice and thin okay we got our pan heating up I’m going to add even a little bit more salt right to the top of that beef I’m going to add some neutral flavored oil which is the sheffi thing that someone could

Say what is a neutral flavored oil grapes seed oil that’s a neutral flavored oil uh meaning that it doesn’t have to be expensive olive oil we’re just using the the uh oil as a conduit to cook the meat and tortilla and I don’t know why I’m trying to sound so

Smart conduit conduit okay here it is heating that up anytime we’re cooking red meat we generally want the temperature to be pretty high if we’re cooking chicken turkey uh we might want the heat to not be so high but we want to see actually a little bit of smoke so

My my tortilla is off to the side well that’s uh while the pan is heating up I am going to start our sauce and this is one of my favorite sauces of all time not just in the Lexicon of classic Greek cuisine but like of all time like

Ketchup mustard tartar sauce siki sauce everyone loves siki sauce so what is it it is yogurts and cucumbers okay and I’m going to make this suziki I need a box grater and there it is we get to throw be careful do not throw box graders at home because they’re sharp just quick

Little note right there okay so we have our box grater we have our hot house cucumber uh and some people they like to peel cucumbers who who has got time for peeling cucumbers I don’t have time for it so I like to just grate the actual

Green part of the Cucumber it’s got a little bit of bitterness to it but I’m going to add yogurt to this and the yogurt has a little sweetness so the bitter and the sweet sort of works out quite well together so a little bit of cucumber right there I’m

Going to get ready to add my yogurt this pan now looks like it’s hot and then real simple it’s a big tortilla so I’m going to be be pretty mindful right here there it is and then you just want to let it cook right one of the number one

Mistakes a lot of cooks make especially at home is they put something in a pan and they just start messing around with it and we want that meat to sear here okay so while that’s cooking getting nice and golden brown and delicious gbd golden brown and delicious the name of

My new boy band with Gordon Blaze and we need a d Naisha Joyce Arrington there’s not a d to be found okay come on okay here we go that’s getting nice and brown already I like that and then anytime I’m cooking beef fish something like that I just

Want to make sure that it’s not sticking you can tell that it’s not sticking right there let that cook just for a little bit little bit longer and get back to my suziki sauce so I have grated cucumber in there I’m going to add a little bit of full Fat Greek yogurt if

You’re using you’re making this at home and you just go to the store and you buy any old yogurt just please make sure that there’s no sugar add it to it a lot of yogurt has a lot of sugar in it and here this is a Savory dish we don’t want

Sweet yogurt with like vanilla coconut something like that okay we’re going to do this trying to flip this over here so we’ll do one of these guys hold on I get to look first look at that look at that look at that nice and seared uh foldable I’m going to add now

The tortilla back and brown the other side just briefly this is me being really like happy with my own uh achievement right there that is a Smash Burger I love how we got it nice and nice and thin you can see the Browning of the meat that’s called the myard reaction the Browning

Of proteins that is about as middle school science teachers as I will get all right yogurt cucumbers salt pepper what else are we gon to add in here my secret tip dried mint dried mint and lots of it a little bit of dried dill generally speaking I like to use fresh herbs but

For the cziki I love the dried dill and the dried mints we put salt in there already um and of course there’s got to be lots of garlic lots of garlic this thing’s done we want to be able to fold it uh and then I’m just going to grate a

Little bit of garlic or a lot of garlic however you want to do it into this dish knock it down in there and we have our suziki salt pepper okay I love my sauce chefs have to taste their food it’s delicious it’s delicious really really garlicky and I use a different spoon in

There cuz I listen to the comments I know that you didn’t want me put the same spoon back in there okay now we have that done we need a little bit of garnish for this we need a little bit of garnish uh but we’re running out of time

Cuz Gordon has me under a a a quick a quick time thing here so we have these beautiful Greek olives some camada olives we’re just going to chop these up and make a quick little salad personally I love these little these little Tomatoes pull these off the vine real

Quick if you want if you have time I don’t I’m up against it um you can Char these up that’s really really nice I’m just going to sort of cut them in half and make this real quick Olive tomato red onion and Herb s salad okay you have this bowl right here

Boom Tomatoes what do tomatoes want all the time anytime you cut a tomato open first thing you should do a little bit of salt little bit of salt not too much though cuz olives are very salty so you want to be very mindful of the other ingredients that are in your dish right

So this dish olives are salty feta cheese very very salty I’m getting too fancy with this trying to dice it you can dice it but crumble will be just as good if you don’t have feta cheese salted rato would be great okay some cotilla cheese from Mexico would be a great replacement as

Well okay what else do we need this is a salad I said I said that it’s a salad so it needs a little bit of dressing a little bit of dressing put a little bit of a little bit of olive oil in there why not we’ll just sort of stack on the

Flavors that are in the suziki a little bit of mins uh fresh dill fresh dill I haven’t chopped anything in a while kind of love chopping things let’s see if we can do this I chopped like that for no reason I’m just trying to impress you there’s

No reason why I needed to chop it like that all right a little bit of fresh dill look at this cooking with passion cooking with intensity let’s mix this up real real quick it’s missing vinegar it’s missing a little vinegar no a little vinegar vinegar vinegar let’s go for the throw

Let’s risk it all guys is it closed let’s risk it all go for it whoa he shorted me on that one shorted me on that one a little bit of vinegar love it right we have some acidity from the tomatoes mix it up look at that salad right I mean even if it’s

Just going to go on top of this Smash Burger it’s something that I want to eat just as a salad I think we can plate it over here I also like this tip more of a restaurant tip but plate here and then move it to the actual plate right do

Your dressing over there so let’s go little bit of our suziki again my favorite condiment maybe tartar sauce and suziki they go neck and neck with me and then a little bit of this amazing salad look at all you got all these colors you got all these textures things

That are salty things that are sweet these are all the things that I’m thinking of as a chef I don’t know if we’ll be able to close that thing and then just cuz I can’t resist sometimes Chef is a chef you have these beautiful little peas shoots but you could use a

Rugula at home garnish with this I’m really excited about this is going to be dinner for me people always asking do you eat everything on the show yes and some of it’s not as good as this so I’m very much looking forward to this let’s see

Little bit more olive oil there it is and there you have it Gordon a Next Level Smash Burger with a Greek inspired salad look at that thank you so much for watching now please let me know in the comments what you think of the dish and don’t forget

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