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my favourite kitchen nightmares UK episodes (part 1) | Gordon Ramsay


Season 1, Episode 1

This episode visits Bonapartes in Silsden, West Yorkshire. The head chef Tim specialises in “fine dining” and owner Sue Ray assumes he can cook.

Season 2, Episode 2

The venue for this edition is D-Place in Chelmsford, run by Mexican-born Israel and his English partner Tara. They’ve sunk £150,000 of their own money into their trendy café bar, which offers a vast selection of fusion cuisine. In charge is executive chef Philippe, producing everything from all-day breakfasts to Hoi Sin noodles with an astounding lack of flair.

Season 3, Episode 3

Clubway 41 in Blackpool is a 40-seater restaurant above a café, both owned and run by David Jackson and his partner Dawn Brindley. Despite being voted Blackpool Tourist Board’s Restaurant of the Year, Clubway 41 is in dire straits. David and Dawn are breaking all the cardinal rules for running a successful food business; in fact, there are no rules, and it shows.

Season 4, Episode 4

For the last three years Morgan’s has been run by antiques dealer-turned-restaurateur Sandy and her daughters Helen and Laura. The beautifully-designed dining room has a prime high street location and should be the perfect eatery for the trendy local clientele, but head chef Phil is grappling with an eclectic menu that includes mashed potato with apricots, and his cooking’s just not up to it. Can Gordon help?

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my favourite kitchen nightmares UK episodes (part 1) | Gordon Ramsay

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking

Bona part’s restaurant is in D Straits new owner Sur has sunk everything into it it’s frustrating the hell after me at the moment cuz going nowhere the customers are nowhere to be seen how he’s booked non Garden nothing at all no chances of Walkin perhaps slim the kitchen’s down to two staff and the money has nearly run out I’m going in to identify the problem s I’ll find out if the Mark’s there how much you pay for that to pay a lot what you if a team are pulling together you’re taking [ __ ] penalty and if the head chef is clued up enough you’re taking the pcture you know that I’ve got just one week to turn this restaurant into a viable business the honeymoon’s over got to start making profit now [Music] next to its Posh neighbors illey and Skipton sits silson a little workingclass town yet to make its mark on the conly map of Britain lots of um fish bars cafes quite a quaint little place little small Yorkshire Town bonap part’s wine bar and basement restaurant on the High Street was taken over by its current owner just over a year ago in her time sua sold everything from Donkey rides to caety wall installation but the restaurant business is totally new to her and so far the locals aren’t biting good afternoon good afternoon Sue it is yes hi please to meet you likewise so how’s it going bit quieter today how many did you having for lunch about two two ready that’s it and last night last night I think we did only two again that’s all two customers the whole night two customers the whole night yeah unfortunately it’s just died a death absolute death the Stark truth is that 2third of restaurants don’t survive past their first birthday and as things stand Su in danger of adding to those statistics as a last resort she’s placed all her trust in a 21-year-old head chef together they believe that fine dining will guarantee Bona Parts a brighter future it’s like being an artist you know what I mean you just start from from nothing and create something so I think that’s why I love being a chef from a humble 5 years ago washing dishes Tim has had a meteoric rise obviously I would like a couple of restaurants maybe three being leads and London New York you know wherever just big cities you know so that that’s my main ambition and obviously to make a lot of money Tim’s ultimate dream is to become a TV chef you put palas on through this Che but for now he’s embracing his first opportunity to run his own kitchen and how did you find Tim uh he found me um he knew I’d been struggling with Chef and lack of them and he’s very ambitious he must be [ __ ] good if he’s a head cheer 21 though either that or he’s a [ __ ] good bullshitter it’s pleasure to meet you sir likewise and just pleasur le le so you’re the head chef yeah and you’re the well you’re obviously going to be the second Chef he looking too off of you busy lunch no no absolutely not no one I didn’t think so when you’re standing there twiddling your thumbs no su’s food Takens are dismal £2 200 a week she should be clearing at least 10 times that but she’s not even covering Tim’s wages let alone food costs and overheads chefs can’t get excited unless there’s customers to cook for I’ll never know how good they are unless there’s any customers in the [ __ ] restaurant uh Tim how’s booked non Garden nothing at all no chances of Walkins perhaps slim I want to see you under a little bit of pressure tonight right it’s 5 to 6 I want you to get out on the street go knock on a few doors and invite some locals to dinner Get your coats on and [ __ ] off for some customers if the customers won’t come in off their own free will these two young chefs are going to have to go and drag them in excuse me we’d like to invite you for free me fine dining requires the ultimate in presentation surroundings and service just had one You’ just had one but most of all it requires faultless food we just need the people coming in now it’s like a big cake cake you’ve got all the ingredients and you can mix it you just got to find right consistency to make it rise you go okay I’ll see you there cheers the reputation of this place can’t be that great even with free food from the fine dining menu on offer they’ve only managed to pull in 11 guests for any head chef this would be a walk in the park first order two pigeon mles one Venice and one bro okay of them where do the tickets go um well I just put them there cuz we never really get enough to worry about oh [ __ ] me that’s nice who’s doing what who’s doing the fish I’ll do the fish and what would you like to do tonight uh I’ll do Ben what I’m trying to say is how the [ __ ] do you organize your kitchen oh Le take care of the hot starters I’ll do the cold starters you do the fish I’ll do the meat we’ll jump on the Ping together then LE stand here and I’ll do this one and just when when I’m not doing anything then I’ll just jump on and help him out you know how to organize within reason within reason okay here we go where did you put red B Le with the first orders in now I can really see what’s going on in the [Music] kitchen what was that I just trashed a load of balls better send the bread for us don’t you yeah never mind fine dining they can’t even get the bread right it’s [ __ ] Frozen get it back in the oven are the pigeons ready yes we’re about to put them in the bin because the bread’s Frozen pigeons are cooped and the [ __ ] Bread’s not even out there and if you toss that [ __ ] cabbage once more I’m going to ram it with your ass okay everything you turn around it yeah let’s go come on even when the kitchen’s busy you should be looking to get the startles out within 10 minutes of receiving the order thank you very much these poor souls have waited half an hour for the pigeon breast with mushroom ravioli and that’s not the only problem Tim you made a RAV yes it’s burnt do you not taste that there no smell it then you you honestly can’t taste that burn but now now you point it out yeah get that [ __ ] in the bin this is really worrying a head chef who can’t even taste his own Foods burnt he’s not going to win any prizes for his control of the kitchen either and there’s only two of them in here oneair I need an egg okay can you hear that can you hear hold on hold on come here they’re buzzing they’re buzzing in the background that’s the veg of the microwave that should have gone with the main CA 4 minutes ago come on him get the [ __ ] things out for some an hour’s weight is just too much desperate to keep her staff cost down se’s got a hands full running the bar upstairs and seems blissfully unaware of the F that’s taking place in the basement kitchen was a disaster a disaster beyond belief the blind leading the blind and the left arm not knowing what the right arm’s doing and you want 50 60 seats filled down there and then they’ve got 11 customers in for dinner and up eyeballs in [ __ ] I mean real [ __ ] everything’s going in these Cutters for some bizarre reason they think that Rings is the sort of ultimate fine dining experience but super I don’t understand what the hell’s going on there I don’t know all I know is I’m not making money so I don’t know what they’re at or where they’re coming from but it’s Sue’s business and she should be in charge look at the [ __ ] mess huh I’ve never seen such hard work for 11 guests no doesn’t make you feel good does it no not really I’ve got just one week to make a constructive impact on boner Parts but by day two I’m clutching at straws to find any positives to build on Su LAX focus and has clearly lost control the kitchen is such a tip it’s a health hazard and worst of all the head chef and his mate just AR up to scratch I must be missing something um gentlemen Tim sing your dish scallops scallops can’t wait to see it nearly every successful restan has a dish that is renowned for I’m hoping that by cooking his Tim will produce something truly memorable something truly worthy of a place on a fine dining menu actual signature dish which is um scallops with uh deep fried p and black pudding sauce H Anders mhm certainly looks okay what do you think it’s got to be sick he’s only gone and given me a rancid scallop someone get him a drink drink [ __ ] how can you eat that if you knew they were off what didn’t you say no I didn’t I didn’t know they were off they’re [ __ ] minging you don’t taste that I do now yeah took a while till now I know what it means I feel sick myself now it’s um it’s Grim it’s [ __ ] grim and it’s out of order well I didn’t realize they were [ __ ] off so I suppose it’s my fault that could kill some that’s the bottom line in the two days I’ve spent at bonap Parts I’ve witnessed total incompetence in the kitchen total lack of direction for the management and last but not least they’ve tried their best to kill me with a rotten scolar what the [ __ ] you playing at sorry sh it’s not about being [ __ ] sorry you shouldn’t be in a [ __ ] [ __ ] kitchen if you don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong in that sense this is basic [ __ ] cooking you know that I need to check if there’s any more surprises lurking in Tim’s kitchen there’s a look in here when are they from uh Saturday Saturday would you use them today no no so what the [ __ ] they doing in the fridge it looks like rabbit [ __ ] that one that’s just some lentils oh this one’s stuck to the [ __ ] glass yeah it looks like sheep’s turd that’s been infested with ants we’ve got [ __ ] fur on [ __ ] potatoes when’s that from yeah what we doing with them throw them in bin throw them in bin but you keep them in the fridge two days before you throw them in bin no but you see what I’m trying to get at does it make [ __ ] sense yes or no so all this [ __ ] fridge is jam-packed with [ __ ] and we’re standing here saying put bin going put a bin well get them in the [ __ ] bin this whole kitchen is disgustingly filthy in allowing things to Fester Tim’s putting Sue’s business at risk [ __ ] hell can we get that one cleaned out as well yeah yes just one bad thing can contaminate a whole fridge Tim may as well just Chuck money out the window a health inspector would have a field day do you know what I’m [ __ ] Gob smacked you know that I got a good [ __ ] mind to get hold of [ __ ] Sue and just tell her to [ __ ] close the place for you know that cuz this is the [ __ ] pits you should be ashamed Rock bossom I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire [ __ ] life you know that cuz this is a [ __ ] embarrassment to catering let alone [ __ ] ringed out fine dining let’s move not a best start it could have been where it to be honest [ __ ] like sorry sorry the picture is becoming painfully clear Tim’s completely unqualified to do this job he’s blagged his way in and Sue’s been naive enough to take him on when you do put so much like hard work into creating stuff and then you don’t you don’t use it you then you get bored what done like football is playing with no football in it they just run around what’s point they sit on their asses after a while W they that’s how it is all this ingredients in there and and no customers to send it to and yet none of them have been communicating with each other you know that’s got to go tomorrow can we turn that into a fish pie can we do something with it but no the blind leading the blind and every bloody ingredient in that fridge um is is is money your money Sue has no idea what’s going on in her own kitchen key to any successful restaurant is regular communication between management and the head chef I really need to get these two talking just had a word of me and said uh not very impressed we need to keep the place clean and everything tidy otherwise I can be sued in which case I’m out of business and you’re out of a job realize that yeah I know and I’ve Tak this had to take it on board as well oh just you have to stick her R in she was going to say I told you so but that’s what she were doing yeah fair enough she had a little dig so what [ __ ] you know what I mean relations between Tim and Sue clearly aren’t healthy Lee yeah goggles gloves before we do any [ __ ] cooking in here now I want the place absolutely spotless goggles on please that’s it show me you handsome bastard it’s not just the kitchen that’s at fault here any clued Up Restaurant knows it’s damn stupid to attempt fine dining in a basement let learn one that’s beneath a busy bar Sue I is obvious when you see the weird mix of fine dining menus and Scrappy handwritten boards advertising TV name Cabaret bonap part’s image has clearly confused potential customers she was trying really to think to do too many things to be all things to all people so she was trying to have you know live music and have an internet cafe and uh also the impression that you got when he came in was she’d be shuffling around in her leggings and her slippers I don’t think she’s going to attract the people that she wants to attract it’s not as nice as the one that’s s across the [Music] road the newly opened competition just 200 yds away has been fully booked since it opened so the punds are definitely out there it’s time to find a clear identity for bonapart and make a clean start Valentine’s night is Just 4 days away it’s one of the most important nights of the resturant calendar and it can make or break a new venture if we’re going to reinvent Bona part’s image we’ve got to do it now but we Sue accept the DraStic change of Direction I’m about to propose it’s clearly not going to work as a f iring experience does Tim know how much pressure you’re under financially I say flippantly you know I’ll end up going bankrupt if you’re not careful but he didn’t realize how true that is yeah I mean how close I in real terms in real terms um probably I’ve got probably three months maximum Jesus you know I’m I’m willing to take constructive criticism and it’s not working is it otherwise we’d have more people in the basics are wrong I mean the the basics are so so wrong and it’s you know it’s embarrassing it’s got to go back to comfort rustic easygoing food it’s got to become more of a beast stro cuz the place oozies that kind of style I know Sue’s convinced but if I’m to flush out Tim’s pretentions to fine dining once and for all I need to provide him with evidence that he can’t fail to take on board gentlemen Tim right this is a seed scops with a baby black pudding with a nice hollandz km pepper sauce and a bit of deep fried palaram it looks like potato but I’m not sure first time you had a scul and this is a beef and Ale pie I’ll have a bit of b i I’m a p yeah beautiful the scallops and the black pudding and Palmer ham how much do you pay for that well I want to pay a lot what you scop to De anyway so 850 850 one how what would you pay for the pie oh about £8 about £8 £7.95 oh what five off 895 well done which one would you prefer well I like the pie personally well I I like the meat I’m definitely a meat lover thank you gentlemen thank you one nil you [ __ ] H up Tim needs to learn a few basic restaurant rules if you don’t know your Market you’ll never get bums on seats I would probably go with this one two [ __ ] nil next please have we got two seconds here’s another one have you got two seconds restaurant without customers will go bust you don’t like scolars 3 excuse me put another way Tim needs to start producing food the people of silson won’t be able to resist that is gorgeous sh I would that that you wouldn’t pay 8.95 for that in in the major cities yeah I’d expect to that is very very reasonable and delicious are you listening I am listening Beast through that’s where we’re going yeah fine [Laughter] dining who’s going in for it it’s not bad news you know that it’s [ __ ] good news good news great news yeah and it’s it’s it’s clear the writing on on the wall she’s come to the end of the till up there that’s pretty obvious that you she’s she’s had enough huh yeah yeah is that clear yeah it’s clear yeah and and you know you’re [ __ ] cocky with her you know that yeah yeah and she pays your [ __ ] salary are you mad how much have you put in here nothing yeah not a [ __ ] penny not a single penny but you’ve taken from it haven’t you y so now it’s time to give back absolutely definitely and not cooking for egos get rid of it Back to Basics you know that what I want you two to do just to confirm that you do know the basics both at the same time cook me a [ __ ] omelette show me something that I can eat and be happy with an omelette is probably one of the first things you learn to cook at caon College when was the last time you cooked omet I hav’t cooked one before I’ve nothing I’ve never cooked an onlet before oh don’t be stupid I haven’t look inside what does that tell you um slightly overcooked slightly tastes like [ __ ] rubber I’m both overcooked that was [ __ ] by any standard you’re a head chef you’re taking the pcture you know that you are taking the piss you know that yes G gives you nothing back and the whole idea of telling him off is to sort of help train him and educate him but clearly not used to being told what to do right make me another omelette [ __ ] it let’s go any Sheck worthy Soul should be able to Source good quality ingredients at a good price the locals already think boner Parts is too expensive they want value for money for Sue to start making any sort of profit Tim Needs To Be Clever about what he buys two bakon sandwiches please and two cups of tea he needs to wake up to the real world he’s clearly in need of some inspiration for his new beastro style menu thanks D thank you that’s your on that one don’t spill on those new new trainers will you no try not to the Chinese tongues tonight we got a table of four in want you okay to buy starter main cause and pudding 20 quid 5 quid per head they want to see how clever you are with that money [Music] right morning morning morning good morning love I’m making french onion soup right we’re making some um french onion soup today so uh we’re looking for some like sort of rustic like the get all we do is we get in this [Music] window can can have a look at that clearly Tim’s never bought anything from a market before in his life discount for the trade any discount for the trade discount for that it’s always worth barging before you know that so when you’re on the telephone in the morning you’re checking with these suppliers and you want to know how much the fish is you can always bargain with them I bet you don’t treat serious money this way do you I will do from now on [ __ ] right you will Tim’s menus are packed with expensive fish and meat cuts he needs to open his eyes to the tasty less expensive options on offer yeah what’s that next to the pig’s head what is that there um that’s ox tail ox tail you ever used oxtail before no what would you do with the Brazen steak I don’t know really maybe barbecue quite nice on barbecue you know and when she get them going brazing State means [ __ ] brazing so it’s telling you what to do with it so what would you do with it where it like a stew can’t put that on the [ __ ] barbecue just looking for some chicken breast some nice chicken breast there you go look he’s showing you nice check it have a look how much is it how much is chicken per breast 12 there it’s a lot less than I get it from my butcher is it your butcher is more expensive yeah Jesus far of them please any uh discount for trade discount for trade how much was it 4 12 4 That’s my boy do for me cheers can I have a bill please uh a receipt with V at with V8 you’d come again yeah absolutely the more they see you the more banter you have with them the more Bargains you get with them and the cheaper it becomes you know that yeah yeah oh definitely then the rest starts to make a bit of [ __ ] money yeah get the picture yeah I get it thanks [ __ ] for that how much do we spend just over 12 quid 12 quid fantastic for four portions brilliant okay frge onion sup it costs 75 to make a portion okay how much should it go on the menu for you times it by four and that should cover everything $ 295 for a bowl of soup and we’ve made money on that and one thing we’re not going to do with the ingredients we bought this morning is waste anything we waste nothing with the Valentine’s at traag Gans are just two days away I’m under no Illusions as to what we’re up against [ __ ] limp dick in the kitchen you know that go get some [ __ ] energy [ __ ] 21 for God’s sake you should be getting [ __ ] 12 hardons a day not one a [ __ ] month let’s go Lee’s got a bit of n whis but I’ve got to hold Tim’s hand every step of the way now are you sure you want to be a chef yes you are yeah in right into the center this is our one chance to see if Tim can cope with his new beastro style food bring the knife out put it back in and bring it to the edge there yeah y gently gently gently gently make love to it don’t [ __ ] it outside leaves yeah what do we do with them you throw them away yeah we usually throw them away yeah but before we let them loose on the pain customers I’ve asked them to cook for four special people in the privacy of their own home what I haven’t told him is for his own family you like stir it into it or no you leave it dangling on top so it gets perfum course you let it [ __ ] stir inside we’ve got soup chicken lorang pie yeah let’s go and surprise Mom and Dad shall we let’s go around to their house and you cook their tea okay you sauce for the chicken k um I don’t I don’t really I’m asking you I I don’t I don’t think so good because the center is is the sauce the garlic sauce in the center okay now Hallelujah we don’t need a you we don’t need any zooo hello MCH how are you surprise I hate to use Tim’s folks as guinea pigs but with the three course meal already prepared all Tim needs to do is reheat the soup and cook the Keyes should we get cck where’s Grandad this should be a walk over even for him I’m going to leave it all to you busy bre he was always in the kitchen as a boy wanting to help B cuz he loves talking about it doesn’t he yes yeah but then he decided whilst he was at school that that’s what he wanted to do and he got himself a job in a kitchen and it just went on from there told me that he was going to be a chef and he was going to the good food show to meet Gary rhods and off he went fantastic look what’s happened yeah don’t burn it don’t what burn it don’t burn it here we go Sor keep you waiting that’s quite all right he’s ready I’ll get let’s not forget Tim is a head chef [ __ ] hops burn my P have you I might have done I think I just Burn yeah last thing I said don’t forget your croutons manag to [ __ ] where his Grand’s house ladies first this is some french onion soup thank you minus the croutons what we going to do with this num Fu a look at that superb torched on the outside and pink in the middle as for the lemon rang pie it would get a better reception if you threw it at the Tim’s family wouldn’t dream of criticizing him but the paying customers and Valentine’s night won’t be as forgiving you got 44 book for Saturday night mhm and you [ __ ] it for four what chance of we got for 44 I’m now starting to [ __ ] myself it’s my fourth day at Bona Parts Tim’s first attempt at cooking a simplified beastro meal may have impressed his granny but he and I both know The Awful Truth it was a spectacular flop you you paid as a head chef aren’t you yeah do you think you should be a head chef not really thank [ __ ] for that don’t start crying I’m not well you look you’re about to [ __ ] bubble okay so you’re delighted with that are bookings for tomorrow night at Valentine’s Cabaret are piling in with the restaurant nearly booked to capacity I’m trying my hardest to stay positive that’s fine Mr low I’m sure enjoy it but with just a day to go it will take more than high energy drinks for these two to pull it off when someone’s been told off the first thing you do in a kitchen is come back at 100 m hour and this guy disintegrates every time you tell him something he just disappears into Oblivion and loses all sense of concentration that little short span that he has why don’t you swap the rolls around tomorrow why don’t you become the Su chef and Lee becomes the head chef for tomorrow night no answer whatever you want to do guys it’s your [ __ ] kitchen you’re supposed to say bollocks no I’m the [ __ ] Chef my name’s Tim gray it’s me on the menu no yes or no yes oh Jesus maybe it’s me I should try the softly softly approach we got big night Saturday night it’s full and think the first time since you’ve both been here that the place is full okay and whilst I’m here you’re not shafting me as well at the same time you know that we’re going to work together over the next 15 20 minutes I want you both to think of something really simple menu wise three starters three main courses and three puddings what do you think Le soup Yeah by passing some of the decision making back to Tim I’m hoping to build up his confidence and install some pride in his food it’s hard to write a simple menu when you’ve had your head up your ass for so long doing trying to make fancy silly food that’s the kind of stuff we’re going for in it so what have they come up with main car is liver and onions mashed potato macaron cheese fish and chips mush peas L Hot Pot L Hot Pot that sounds nice and you come with the ideas together yeah we we’ll just flipp through some books and thought what what’s simple and um you know basically thought what did we used to have at school what did we like at school and and not forgetting where are we in Yorkshire [Music] we’re getting there we getting there in devising this new menu I’m aiming to take most of the pressure off Tim and Lee during service 90% of the food can be prepared and perfected a day in advance let’s go see if you can show show me you can handle two pans at once as long as it’s made Well it can’t fail to be a hit with the customers now there should be 15 things going on there all at the same time coordination understanding medium pink is it Well Done onions roasted B in short Bona part’s new beastro menu is designed to be idiot proof yeah that will definitely identify them as vegetarians yeah let’s go come on so far Tim’s attitude towards Sue has been that of a stroppy teenager rather than a respectful and supportive employee going to go on um a tomato soup a rustic tomato soup yeah some little uh cheese that’s probably a first he’s actually come to us I’ve had to run down and Chase all the time then I need this and then oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’ll come later I said I need it now basically you just put them through some but uh crush them up today seems a lot better don’t know what he’s been doing to him down there but he’s certainly improving in the week I’ve been here I’ve hardly seen Tim or Lee sample or season anything they’ve made no wonder their tasteless food is failing to woo the customers everything we do in this kitchen has to be tasted I don’t care if it’s a [ __ ] bread roll a lemon merang pie or chicken KF you have got to start tasting things from now on bland is off the menu and to teach these two a lesson they’ll never forget I’m resorting to dirty tactics you know what a medium steak tastes like yes Does that taste like a sirloin T-bone steak or is it a rump steak sirine sirine it tastes like so long [ __ ] you here we go now for the open up okay tell me whether it’s medium or is that well done medium and well done well done none of you got that right yes yes pork pork and [ __ ] lamb [ __ ] now you don’t you don’t realize until someone blindfold you and feed you that your pet’s so nonactive could have been worse could have been chicken then we would look like [ __ ] idiots oh [ __ ] Tim’s had a week of nonstop grief from me put the ball down this boy has really tested my patience all right how how do we know they’re ready now you can lift them upside down yeah and I really don’t know if any of it sunk in go I’d love to just get it put it on [ __ ] but with more than 40 guests expected in just over 2 hours time he’ll soon be tested to his absolute limits I slipped oh no don’t tell me it was the mud it was mud can’t even take a [ __ ] penalty I’ll say this for Tim he’s no quitter and I don’t want to see him fail but now he’s got to prove he’s master of his own kitchen we’re not leaving this as a draw you know that hey in cooking nobody draws ever one thing’s for sure tonight he’ll either sink or swim wa yes wo another two upstairs Poss possibly okay good news good news another two so we’re up to 50 40 at now so’s never had so many bookings she’s having to move furniture out right to fit more tables in you happy with that chicken Kia with roasted Vine Tomatoes T-bone steak with homemade chips because there’s so many involved for dinner I wouldn’t stall them upstairs for too long you’re really going to dump Us in it big time CR cocktail three bean salad with mustard dressing what do you think oo very Str yes I like I hardly dare say it but this place has got a real Buzz about it there’s one thing missing what do you like on all your menus oh his name’s not Bingo where where should we put that on the back or I don’t want my name on it we work as a team and it’s a giant effort and Beast you know that’s it that’s the most sensal thing you said to me all [ __ ] we you know that thank you every decent restaurant in the country is full on Valentine’s night the competition down the road is packed to the rafters and for once so is boner Parts in a small town like seon business thrives on Word of Mouth and if tonight’s a disaster it could break Sue I have got a fear that he will not be able to cope with the numbers especially when he’s saying that 11’s busy I don’t think so so we’ll see what he’s made of Tim has got to get this right two for upstairs two soup two chicken okay hey 6:00 first order’s in okay hello Chef yes well I’ll give it to Scott Scott first order in hey are we going to let the kitchen border call out the tickets or you going to call them out come on on order two soup two chicken one creme bruy one Tre TP we let’s go soup’s made get on to boil Scotty put some it please something’s burning what’s that burning it’s just on the a it’s on grill thing there not croutons yeah no it’s not the crout on don’t burn the croutons I’m not burning soup’s on yeah yeah p on for the chicken not yet I think we should put the pan on first yeah start the chicken and as they’re eating the soup the chicken’s cooking yeah okay are you all right yeah first order in it’s upstairs you’re okay well you depends not on for the chicken yeah don’t burn the croutons okay all right how on for that soup 45s 45 seconds I’ll [ __ ] off you thank you what the [ __ ] are you doing other way young man what are you doing slow down talk to him Lee can you send the two soup please wait look at the croutons charcoal again oh God it’s the first [ __ ] order what’s the nothing no well you’re cooking like an absolute [ __ ] you know that yeah just take your time big deep breath and talk to Lee a little bit you’re just on your own spinning around round and around and just creating a [ __ ] bedum yeah calm down get yourself organized yeah and control yourself now [ __ ] come back to me a little bit come back to me a bit yes fuing come on Timmy Fresh Start or we’re going to go down like a sack of [ __ ] that’s better Lee look at him look hey nice and bright give us a smile it’s well done isn’t it yeah yeah come on get in team worked 2 minutes some eventually SC can have two oralls out of there mate please on order three PR cocktail one soup one sirine medium one t-one medium one sirine medium so don’t rush the STS got a lot of stuff to get on communicate good got as soon as you get some small am need how long fo V one and a [Music] half sending them yet y yeah oh no one prawns one beans one Kiev one sirine well done one lemon one Bru right Scotty to can I have two oralls out mate please good that’s the whole bade now now you’re talking to the team which is fantastic keep it going yes you stop talking we’re going to go we’re going to go down yeah yeah hey it’s not quite right but at least is moving yeah yeah Med with salad that’s a medium on it so without salad and that’s a rare yeah without salad give it together yeah yeah yeah let’s not get nervy food was was excellent yeah very enjoyable it’s what we expected to have really it was really tasty and really enjoy your Bo it’s nice how many more to come please Sue uh there’s another four four I overbooked actually the local competition tonight it’s got 46 booked if we do this last four we’ve beaten them yeah what do yeah does that not just lift the morale up a little bit T medium medium medium medium and a chip ladies and gentlemen Showtime Cabaret I’d like to introduce Tom Sawyer after P cocktail get some holiday on you call service please uh Scotty take it away one t- bone steak medium and one chicken Kia please and that’s all going to table 12 tell these two please put a together watch the color look when it’s brown it’s cooked when it’s black it’s [Music] fooked what’s the pastry please pies B first veg first [Music] beautiful two c medium not finished yet but yeah well done Tim’s Grand and Granddad are celebrating their 44th wedding anniversary at last Tim can repay them for the rubbish she served up a couple of nights ago with a delicious well-cooked [Music] meal it was lovely that sck it was beautiful memor did it yeah hey do You Hear What Grandad said yeah back memories you really surpris me tonight and I’m really seriously over the moon that you didn’t [ __ ] it I’m serious H yeah cuz for the first 15 minutes of 6:00 you acted like the biggest [ __ ] in Britain you know that all over the shop and you pulled it back together and that wasn’t me that was you and the feedback from them out there has been brilliant what does that tell you what does that what does that put in there I had a service like that for a long time and these stupid [ __ ] illusions of grander all this stupid fine dining crap that you’re trying to do it’s gone do you understand yeah exactly where you are now yeah yeah totally understand do you understand what you’re capable of doing within this restaurant yes stop trying to take it Beyond something that’s never going to be you’ll [ __ ] the restaurant and you’ll [ __ ] yourself Big Time mhm so never forget tonight it’s up to you now not to allow it to go back to where it was I’ve been too soft you have to be yeah exactly I’m glad you’re saying it because exactly what I going to say next and I’ve also um allowed him to have his head too yes I also think you’ve been confused to what you want because you haven’t been focused on One Direction for the restaurant because you’ve been you know jumping all over the and that’s part of a panic and that’s wrong and now tonight it’s clearly evident exactly what you need to do from this day onwards and if he changes anything I’ll pickle nuts when I arrived at bonapart a month ago it literally had no customers head jef Tim gry was a liability beiz you were [ __ ] off he couldn’t even cook an omelette you’re taking the pcture you know that in one grueling week we transformed bonea pass from a failing fine dining restaurant into a buzzing be stroke with Tim sending out quality food to nearly 50 contented customers on Valentine’s [Music] nightall but since I left Sue’s given Tim two written warnings over his attitude now I’m back unannounced to find out what is going on turn that [ __ ] thing off my God what’s going on chilling chilling it’s Friday night it’s 7:30 how many’s books four four and you got the music blaring away yeah I’m just where’s Lee he’s upstairs on bar he’s in the bar what the [ __ ] is that in there muscles you’re not serving them are you yeah what the fridges like my God oh my what is that [ __ ] in there that is mold and fur dear oh dear so you haven’t changed have you oh [ __ ] h a whole week drumming into their thick skulls and it comes to this holy [ __ ] this is a living [ __ ] nightmare nobody in this place is taking control and in this state a health inspector would close them down without a second thought so I got to show you this because it’s part of your responsibility and this is your GFF there you go should not being you didn’t see this Su no I didn’t actually In fairness to Tim it was it was doing okay it seemed to be okay for the first 3 days and then it went and then this is not ride this is this is [ __ ] miles away this is a nightmare you know that cuz there’s more loss on top of more loss and more loss and more mold that’s what worries me because you need to touch that you need to rub your finger on that you need to go to a chip you need to season something you put your finger in the tomato soup and then they’re all [ __ ] you’ve just contaminated the whole place and that’s what really worries me this kitchen is not fit to cook [ __ ] thing in right now and that’s your problem I think I better just close and put due to refurbishment and you should bur out gracery you know that just been giving him another chance and another chance that’s that’s I can’t tolerate that it’s just going to end up it’s professional suicide isn’t it he con me simple as that I don’t honestly think he did it deliberately I don’t think he’s a nasty piece of work I just think he lives in a wmy world I begin to think that he’s just convinced himself to be honest to go from valentin’s evening to this is it’s not even funny there’s just something wrong with it there really is Valentine’s Day are good man I don’t think I’ve gone home to bed or whatever feeling in a better happier state of mind and tonight I don’t think I could go to bed in a worse one it’s beyond recognition really is it how [ __ ] stupid that someone can be you know what I mean it’s a dog one and who is that some to no that would be me pretty much yeah at least the bar’s busy that is one saving grave but really thank God she closed that kitchen down because it was [ __ ] disgusting I mean really appallingly bad shockingly bad DPL Cafe Bar is Indie [ __ ] people don’t eat out that surely are you taking the piss we give it a bit of a Polish we’re going to do horrible food let’s do horrible food all the time you gr like this in France it hang you upside down from the AL on by your B you know that I’ve got just 7even days to transform the food and banish the [ __ ] you know the oven’s not even hot enough to roast a potato we can’t even cook a [ __ ] Burger in there but the staff are at War you don’t look an idiot okay because the Comm someone you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] and if I’m going to get this place back on track go three damage quick something’s got to give those aren’t interested in pulling on the [ __ ] rope [ __ ] off I you had enough of this hang on hang on let me finish are you ready for this yes big day don’t [ __ ] it up Essex an ancient Saxon County more recently colonized by Essex girls boy Racers and footballers wives and now a Mexican Dave called Israel find out what he’s not here 5 years ago he brought trendy Fusion Cuisine to the heart of of chelsford he opened dplay Cafe Bar and it seemed that he’ found a winning formula great place great music great service great food the right price and he worked perfectly over the space of 2 years Israel built a mini Empire of five businesses but success didn’t last long 3 years later all but de are gone even this place is hanging on by a thread if I don’t do something drastic then you know this business will go down the pound having invested £150,000 and with a qu of a million pound loan from a national Brewery Israel and his partner Tara are at the Wit’s End so you’ve had the success there place was busy now almost pissed through your hands classic example in business trying to run before you could walk without consolidating how quiet is it it’s as bad as it’s ever been the restaurant is losing money the the bar is supporting the restaurant your sales have dropped by more than 50% in comparison to two years ago how desperate are you to get it back very very desperate I’m at the crossroads do I still give you another go or do I return the keys to the landlord next month and say I better go and do something else we don’t look like the kind of guy that will give in easy no I don’t Israel is up to his neck in debt and doesn’t even have the security of owning the building if this goes tits up he and Tara will lose everything I I said to you 10 seconds in a last ditch attempt to win back customers Israel has employed onetime wannabe fighter pilot now highflying executive chef Philip Blaze can I have two avocado and shrimp with 25 years experience M Blaze came hot from the multi-million pound Stables of belgo and Planet Hollywood I thought well why not give a try you know to the countryside of England at Planet Hollywood I had 150 people working for me you know so here it’s a lot different you know I’ve got two Three Chefs you know we get some great feedback but the only problem is that the guests don’t come in even on a dead CT like Valentine’s night out of 84 available seats only 24 have been booked but at least that means the m and I can get a table Happy Valentine’s Day from the Valentine’s special menu I’ve ordered a scol and shrimp cocktail for Mains and a tiasu creme Bruley for dessert sorry I decided to bring it myself because I had trouble getting a waiter thank you okay you’re welcome microwave Rice straight away God just a just a mess really I we got nice gups they just need cooking sort of 10 seconds each side but they’re chewing with overcooked dried prawns the [ __ ] there Dave Dave PHS Nemesis and mat D is 25-year-old Essex boy Dave bone I think you need to have quality rather than quantity on a night like tonight treat people with the respect they want and a special manner how does your meal seem we’ll go straight to the CR I think straight away didn’t you ask the T say isn’t it a t bu s do work here straight to dessert please rubbery overcooked I’m sorry I said rubbery and overcooked and I’m not the only one complaining I ordered salmon and um which sounded lovely and but it just wasn’t quite cooked at least my pudding should be a safe bet it’s a French classic so Philip should be able to make it with his eyes closed and it looks like he has K it’s liquid it’s the first for me actually I’ve never had had a runny cret should ask for a straw it’s [ __ ] embarrassing with oh come on it’s not all right ex me D no like listen to me I don’t want to I don’t want to okay I’m the person who looks an idiot no no no you don’t look an idiot someone you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] Dave go back to your restaurant angl French relations seem to have hit a new low yeah and I’m saying to you when it’s ready I will ring here we are at Valentine’s night all I can hear is the [ __ ] Chef sh in the kitchen let’s go we made hard work of nothing and what I didn’t experience was any passion well I did think that uh the scale of dish was was actually very very good the ones I ate were like rubber and I’m really sorry but I’ve never known a Frenchman to make such a [ __ ] can Bru in all my life we got a lot of work to do [ __ ] me awful food bad service cool [ __ ] hell definitely not the place for me [ __ ] me Israel and Tara have sunk everything they own into de place and they’re hugely indebted to the brewery the odds are really stacked against them but I like them and I also like a challenge I want you out of the kitchen goodbye you can go to the toilet lunchtime in the kitchen is the busiest time of the day and Phillip is back to his normal menu I’m really hoping it’s a damn side better than last night’s crap otherwise we really are in the [ __ ] [ __ ] cheeseburger th Nole the th Nole coming now with over 40 dishes to choose from Philly’s menu is global both in size and choice what is that this is Sala sauce holy everything from all day English breakfast hoist in noodles to Mexican platters this is definitely more confusion than Fusion some of it even served in a bread bin people don’t eat out that surely are you taking the piss well we we give it a bit of a Polish 70% of Philip’s food is brought in ready prepared what’s happened to that the Frenchman even gets his baguettes delivered Frozen [ __ ] hell and buying in readymade food is an expensive false economy what’s the most popular dish today uh the hamburgers and the crabs are they homemade yeah yes they are oh finally thank you very much [ __ ] rang it Philip’s two Sue chefs M and alamer are young and inexperienced they clearly know nothing Beyond Phil’s warped culinary world and what’s that in there sauce uncle Uncle Ben [ __ ] H when do you want to be a head chef three years [ __ ] me you better move your ass all right where are they all G now I’ve got table here ready M where do you want to be a head chef well maybe in about 10 years time 10 years time yeah probably have my own place I think that’s what I would like to be they may be hungry for success but if they think this is cooking they’re in for a surprise very lumpy that isn’t it man it looks like [ __ ] porage the bells the bells can you tell me if this is stter and this main course or is it all together yeah please because I can’t guess you didn’t take a isas the one which was here was the greek salad lunchtime service should be a quick turnaround but with all the cock-ups the customers are lucky to get their food within 45 minutes and it’s not helped by the full scale War ranging between restaurant manager Dave and Phillip what is it between you and Dave cuz you hate each other right uh pretty much yeah and when the food does eventually make it out to the customers it comes boomeranging back just as fast which one it’s my mistake obviously uh I should have spotted it before it went out and it’s not just the undercooked fish that slip through Philly Leeps net what happened she just sitting running what’s going on here the plates are Fuller coming back but they are going out she he said it’s not cooked propy it’s not what no it’s not cooked propy it tastes [ __ ] study and [ __ ] disgusting how many’s cooked there Burgers can be barbecued grilled or fried but the secret to success is to cook them to water look how thin they are we don’t cook burgers now they’re not even on order uh we precooking that um either for tonight or even for tomorrow because the thing is is for tomorrow the thing is the oven is very very slow and we can’t put it any higher than that have you lost the plot no have you gone a little bit [ __ ] bour no and so how you going to cook that again tomorrow uh it will be reheated in the microwave holy mackerel and the torturous treatment of innocent food doesn’t stop there and you deep fry the bacon now we do yeah would you cook like this in France well uh you’d be [ __ ] shot hey they’ hang you upside down from the AL bu your vs you know that we’re in the ship well if we want to turn the business around yes uh I I have to agree we are in the [ __ ] [ __ ] Cafe B place is in deep trouble in the last year food sales have dropped £7,000 a week and depressingly since I arrived I found few positives to build on it’s time for Israel to pull his head out of the sand and smell the coffee looking at the situation I can actually confirm I’m [ __ ] myself um I’m worried about the situation in the kitchen the idea of cooking there’s not a lot that going on in there no the standard is pretty crap and what I have identified lately is lack of Pride yeah and a huge lack of respect too many individuals like you’ve got now will completely [ __ ] the business but have you lost respect for your business no I lost sense of Pride for the business it starts from the top you have to stay [ __ ] strong on top of it because without your determination we’re [ __ ] and we need to turn their attitudes around get their heads out their [ __ ] and [ __ ] get this place back on track the animosity between Dave and Phillip is dragging the business down they’re like a winging old couple so on day three it’s time to start building bridges with some tried and tested marriage guidance tactics hold out your hand so whil you’ve got that egg in your hand tell Dave what you really think about it well Dave you’re just an arrogant little bastard uh you know you think you know everything you’re the most beautiful you’re the most perfect guy there is and uh that’s the bottom line and down I think you’re talking out of your ass aren’t you cuz when I do try and talk to you if I do shout it’s because you argue and don’t let me finish so from now on stop being a stubborn [ __ ] French bastard because we’re not going to work at all and this place is going to go down there’s nothing that I would like more than actually being able to work with the manager of the restaurant and this whole exercise is not personal it’s about business and doing your [ __ ] jobs and I just beg you both to continue talking to one another cuz that hasn’t taken place understand each other’s jobs now shake hands for the better it’s not just Phil’s relationship with Dave that’s worrying me he seems to have lost any real command of his kitchen shh can I have vegetable n an efficient Brigade thrives on constant motivation from their head chef but M and alamer are left a fester in Bottle sauces and frozen deep fried food seen mushroom like that before where breed mushrooms breaded mushroom yeah they’re picking up one bad habit after another and Phillip doesn’t even seem to care being anx you know people tend to like the omelet well C so this is an Essex omelette not a French omelette I it’s not a French hland no okay holy mackerel show me yeah that’s uh that’s [ __ ] C it’s time to find out what happened to Philip Blaze executive chef extraordinaire I see a man in front of me at 40 years of age French that’s had bloody good jobs before at an executive [ __ ] level whether it’s Belo or Planet Hollywood but I don’t see anything that resembles a chef if you are buying so much food in and it’s making you look [ __ ] yeah why aren’t you fighting against that chefs fight for reputations and show the hunger to the customers of making them happy it’s true up to a point yes I may have given up because I see that there’s no hope but I am still as hungry as I was to actually do and create things okay well I want to help you and I want to work closely with you to get things back online just to install that little bit of [ __ ] normality Pride you just said it get it back when a business stops making money it’s tempting to stop investing in it and it’s blatantly obvious that’s exactly what Israel’s done the dining room is Tatty and the kitchen is lacking some of the Basic Essentials you’ve got to give this man the tools in order to operate this [ __ ] restaurant properly I’m I’m frustrated that we got a freezer full of crap and we got an oven that doesn’t work so we got to get our priorities right your business your employed as the head chef you both have to start speaking the same language that absolutely critical I hope this is the beginning of things to change and I if you Le has felt in the past that he’s been put under pressure to cut Corners uh not to cut cor is without talking to me with the lines of communication open and the promise of vital equipment on the horizon Philip and I can start thinking about the food do you not think the menu is too big yes it is maybe finally we’re starting to get somewhere to pull in lunchtime diners is out with Fusion confusion and in with a Snappy menu of tasty fresh food that can be pushed out quick you see what I’m trying to do I’m just trying to lift it I don’t want to get complicated these guys girl aren’t in a position to get anything complicated done that’s pretty obvious and how much do it cost and Phil come up with a classic French Sandwich to get our creative juices flowing so you’re quite passionate about the cop Miss I do like it yes when you’re so passionate about something as nice and delicious as this how can you make that baguette with the chicken and the plastic cheese I know this is water of a duct back for you you’re a Frenchman this surely must be the kind of food you like cooking it is cuz I’ve seen you more relaxed in the last 10 minutes than I have in 3 days yeah yeah be nice for you to give a little bite to the guys and tell them about it show them a little bit of sort of you know passion at last some real food and it smells delicious all the way from Dijon huh you’re happy with that one aren’t you m that’s beautiful very nice yeah aw what do you think I like M on baguette chicken baguette or cot mure I think a cot mure is much better cuz yeah it looks better tastes better we’re going to take a picture why are you taking a picture Philip for records of it it becomes idiot proof no matter how easy you think the sandwich is it’s still possible to damage a business on a [ __ ] sandwich in the past year Phillip has already changed the menu four times to no effect so it’s not surprising that Israel needs a little reassurance that another new menu is the right step if we agree that we’re going to cook it this way yeah and it changes and and cuts Corners that is frustrating when I talk about reintroducing menus I’m not talking about [ __ ] food that’s over his head I’m talking about soups sandwiches and straightforward dishes that you can identify that are idiot proof and [ __ ] delicious that’s music to my ears that’s all but it’s not just the food that’s been letting the place down they bone has been a worry to me ever since I arrived he’s talked the talk but done little to back it up you have falling for the um biggest problem any restaurant manager has with their staff you become their best mate and that’s pissed off a few people in here you can’t afford to run this restaurant as your social event otherwise mate you won’t be here for much longer turning into my own show m it’s probably not the best of business but the easiest you’re running a [ __ ] smart cool cafe bar New Start stand apart from your staff it’s time for a peace Summit between the war in factions so I’ve asked Israel to come up with an exercise to promote communication and trust between the kitchen and the front of house teams you add your onions into it and you started smashing yeah or they’re going to be making guacamole but there’s a and the teams are Phillip you’re partnered up with David the person in the back is actually making the guacal but you’re all going to be putting a blindfold on so you’re going to have to depend on the person in front of you directing you I.E we’re going to have to depend on the restaurant helping the kitchen and the kitchen helping the restaurant put his blindfold on good the head not the neck B sing stop hands behind your back 3 minutes starting from now very very softly pick up one and if you pick up the B next slowly digging in no not Peach a pinch as in a pinch oh pinch sorry halfway there eat it Mona you’re a sh point the finger so stop stop [Music] moving that’s me tasting it it’s right how are we doing we done give it another mesh stop balls in front Okay this one oh it’s quite nice nothing’s mushed up so whose fault was that Monas I guess I was the one that couldn’t see it not bad nice but there’s no Tabasco in there Dave and Phillips pH yours were the best thank you very much I think Dave gave you more encouragement there in the last 3 minutes than he has done in two years no matter what happens from this day on you guys have got to get on because if the head chef and the general manager get on then everybody else underneath you follows suit do you understand the importance of that we did quite well start totally start totally give him a kiss let’s not here’s the bonding a happy couple cheers Philip and D go on there you go the bonding Masters one small step for Philip and Dave but potentially a huge leap for the business I am never going to put your finger in my mouth again you put your finger no yours my finger in your Jesus by day four Israel’s ready to ab’s business by the balls this is his last roll of the dice andone he wants to start with consistently good fresh food from the kitchen oh Philip are the new potatoes s it yes nicely roast they don’t tastes very nice it just tastes bitter they haven’t gone into the fryer have they no no you sure you haven’t put them in the fryer yep uh look Mister let me just have a quick word very very important yeah this man is paying your salary yeah his business is about to close do you understand how critical the situation is I do so pay the man [ __ ] respect and tell the truth you have deep fried those potatoes no these one haven’t been deep fried they are wrinkled dehydrated and they have been in the deep fat fryer that’s not dehydrated you’re talking to a chef and for as long as I’ve got a hole in my butt big boy those [ __ ] potatoes have been in the deep fat fryer don’t [ __ ] lie I know what they did you know the oven’s not even hot enough to roast a potato we can’t even cook a [ __ ] Burger in there they’ve been in the fryer tell the [ __ ] truth look they went in the open okay tell him the [ __ ] truth he’s so adamant I’ve even started to doubt my own judgment until I track down alema how many trays of potatoes did you fry this morning I fried everything here you fried all four yeah and who told you to fry them my chef your Chef yeah why did you deep fry the potatoes you you said it earlier it’s because you over snow when you’re hot enough right can we get back to Basics now and cut the [ __ ] crap sorry but [ __ ] hate liars it’s not rightfully but it’s me who’s asking you yeah front the camera forget about the [ __ ] c i don’t Philip don’t you think that the only reason I’m doing maybe these programs because there the last thing that I can do to save the business I want honesty from you that’s all I want don’t be ever ever be scared of looking like a pratt but rather be an honest Pratt than a liar Pratt cuz then you lose self-respect my mistake uh I can only apologize for this if there’s one thing worse than a chef who can’t cook it’s a chef who tells porkys my workload has just doubled and there’s only one way out of this calam Cy sag to get this place back online we’re going to have to close for 2 days there’s no way on Earth we’re ever going to get the food back up the scratch while you’re sending what you’re sending out I need 48 hours we’ll work on tidying up the dining room painting every member staff working for that goal to get it fresh and then 2 Days in the kitchen to get it on track how do you feel about it Israel we can’t afford not to take money but we can’t afford not to have a future business yeah I think something that we need to stop is the [ __ ] mhm I need people to be honest with me Philip are you ready for this if it is to make the business better I’m I’m 11 110% big behind it’s not just the Kitchener yeah yeah but I’m talking about the dining room as well yeah there’s a serious you know Improvement there to take place it’s a lack of pride a lack of Pride and the potatoes was the Prime [ __ ] example cut the [ __ ] you hit the nail on the [ __ ] head and those that are pulling on the rope stay and work those that aren’t interested in pulling on the [ __ ] rope [ __ ] off day five at the place in Essex I’ve established the Chef is to be kept on a very short leash and his food is beyond tragic so for the first time in 4 years Israel has shut the place down hello Michael this is Pond um just return a your call with no customers we can throw everything at revitalizing the image and most importantly the god awful menu whose fault is it really it’s mine and nobody else now it’s a fresh start let’s get it back on the road and very soon we’ll be on the motorway when a restant drastically changes his food it’s important to back it up with the right atmosphere a couple of coats of paint is an easy way to Dazzle your customers and give you a second chance today we just about getting the whole place back to look sharp crisp clean uh and nice and walk in and say wow yeah I like it the kitchen’s been scrubbed clean and the oven’s fixed at last but that’s not all for Phil it seems all these Noels have come at once I’m shaking I I’m actually going to have a kitchen with proper equipment Israel and Tara must be bleeding somewhere this one’s going home with me I’m sleeping with it tonight not Dave from now on plastic sauces and frozen foods are barred the new menu will be cooked strictly from fresh ingredients and a first buy is a 4 kilo ham drizzle the honey and the brown sugar over it’s a delicious steel at a cost of just £10 and with a little lateral thinking it’s a potential money spinner this ham how far has it gone already fried eggs with ham crop mure p and ham soup can you see just how much money you can generate from one ham yes surrounded by all this fresh food there’s a tangible change of energy in Philips two young chefs very nice the seasoning is it’s quite even so it’s it’s it’s not too much while M tends the soup ala is carefully preparing a pot of delicious bubbl and squeak what do you think that’s a little bit more salt a little bit more salt yeah good I’m glad you said that M fresh food fresh food m m [ __ ] hell their career is in your [ __ ] hands you know you’re supposed to be guiding them through this you know that yeah how many big chefs did you work for when you were their age quite a few yeah and did they kick your ass oh yes yeah do you hate them for it I love them for it you love them for it do you think they love you when you show them nothing I think now I’m going to learn it you’ve made that from start to finish before you taste it do you know what I’m going to do take a [ __ ] photograph Philip yeah that’s your reference yes at last it feels like we’re getting somewhere the shfs are infused and the dining room has been transformed almost beyond recognition but as it stands the outside of the building is selling all our hard work short building’s beautiful you know so show it off but we got to get rid of all the tacky [ __ ] stuck to the front of it now that you mention it and you see from a different point of view we go we promote in drinks we saying cocktail night Thursday night and we got a menu displayed on a TTY there yeah it’s you’re waking up to it and I’m glad you’re starting to open your [ __ ] eyes because it really is important and you know the [ __ ] word de Place well you know that’s got to go in debin I think it’s been content we going for um s’s Cafe Bar yeah [ __ ] perfect Israel it seems is now on a crusade to bring the place back from the dead now get out there and tell the world about it we’ve got just one day before the customers return to a full book grand reopening everything depends on the kitchen perfecting each and every new dish on the menu nice and Fri eggs turn down the gas I don’t want the yolk broken okay they may be easy peasy but consistent quality will be the key to ensure repeat business you have to get in there and really concentrate yeah this is so [ __ ] easy the centerpiece for our minion is going to be the most famous butty in the world the club sandwich when I started cooking yeah I had to make these for a living every day the same every day the same on in just 12 hours time the chefs in the front of house have got to function as a tight-knit well old machine chicken avocado salad that’s the H roasted with double fried egg and a minor miracle has occur is salmon fish cake D Dave and Philip are communicating and Civ fantastic they all look really nice the food is looking 200% better but to please a lunch hour crowd tomorrow the grub will have to fly out you ready I need to be sure these boys are really on their toes I’ll do the toast when that goes to 12 we go go three sandwich quick I’ll do the bread quick quick quick what are you doing first candles come on come on we’re fully booked for lunch fully booked Philip it’s not funny you know that y I know that Al anyone about putting bacon on who else is going to put their bacon on I am when tonight p on cooler need that bread please so yes here we go hey presenting Beau anyone thought about starting their french fries Al get your fries on okay thank you Chef look at the speed of you fantastically fast is the executive chef going to come in last mine no that’s his that’s yours there thank you Al come on don’t quit big boy do not quit you never ever throw the tow in on service just come up to the hot plate and accidentally drop your plate drop it now drop it oh [ __ ] oh man man damn [ __ ] M Hey listen all three of you well done that was [ __ ] excellent yeah the speed working under pressure and concentrating was phenomenal and the best sandwich is yours philp great without him even knowing it I’ve just managed to demote the executive chef to the club sandwich Chef now tomorrow we’ve actually got a chance of [ __ ] surviving a very busy lunch 10:00 a.m. launch day with 70 customers booked in for lunch no one can afford to be ill prepared I’ll be running the checks and checking out the kitchen all right it’s a delicate balance we’ve got a new menu are you ready for this big day don’t [ __ ] it up the waiting staff are only just up to speed and one we link could bring Israel’s last remaining business tumbling about his ears I think it’ll go well I’m nervous um cuz everybody’s on edge is like up in a brand new business uh I done before and I know how disastrous it can be the first thing I got to say is the place is defun it’s gone yeah welcome to Us’s Cafe Bar yes we work together as a team we understand each other yeah there’s going to be several customers that are going to be going for a 30 minute lunch that’s a soup and a sandwich a soup and a salad whatever they prefer within 30 minutes I can guarantee if they leave under 30 minutes they be back next week three or four times between Monday and Friday get it right yeah this is it without you I can do it consistency ala Bingo new order two tomato soup two sandwiches that’s the the quick deal yeah 30 minutes yeah what tell the Brigade The Lunch deal is cheap at just 6 is the bacon on for the club sandwich is the toast in it’s going in now come on to make it worth his rail’s while Dave must fill the restaurant twice over which means turning the tables fast this has to go like clock give me three minutes three more minutes excellent good um two seconds Phil Phil it okay Philip thank you y what’s that in there a new potato where did that come from I know we got to push it out and move our ass but we’re not going to serve that like that what’s burning turn it over medium [ __ ] we’ve been over this menu time and time again but Mona and alamer are already buckling under the pressure ham and eggs how [ __ ] difficult is that that you burst the yolk yeah it’s a customer’s privilege to burst their own [ __ ] yolk not you yes and there’s only three orders on rest of lettuce Mon and vinegarette on there Welsh rabbits all pissing over the plate the che by 12:30 the restrooms full to burst do we have a wasting list no it’s all done to the kitchen now one more club sandwich another three bread another burger with chips and baked beans service please service please where’s the rest of the I said to take some out of the freezer it seems my super basic menu Isn’t basic enough for this team of num they’re not cooked they are cooked no they’re not cooked look m the burner and the Deep B fryer has gone out and they’ve been trying to cook chips in cold oil what’s up no wonder but you can’t let one problem bring the whole operation to its knees no we just fried the potato wedgies in a pan though huh yeah almost like a roast potato all together six soup the orders are stacking up and the Panic has already set in all these new orders I some grass on this H pleas you mean CH yeah just give me the freaking grass that’s fine thank you and now there’s a problem with the tickets table five five table five I don’t have I’ve got three all the communication has gone out the window and the customers are left in the dark as to why their food is taking so long we have an hour for lunch so obviously we had to try and fit the food in within the hour so I’ve just had to phone the office and tell them we’re going to going be a bit late going back to work in 10 minutes those that are getting their food are loving it but 20 minutes later there’s no resolve to the ticket confusion the ticket’s gone dis that’s why there’s such a problem because they’ve been waiting after the AG Phil’s only guidance through this mess are his tickets but it seems everyone’s had their hands on them I don’t have the ticket back and if a chef loses an order it’s like an air traffic control losing a plan Dave took it he didn’t bring back one Reby rare one and this one’s going down fast salad with avocado hold on come here come here what’s what’s going on why is the food coming back turn around I got table s here that you’re giving me that was gone long time ago G so we’ve already sent the table oh come on right now we don’t need to [ __ ] repeat the order huh that’s because the waiter leaves the don’t blame don’t blame the waiter put it on the pick no where is I’m going for a cigarette I had enough of this [ __ ] what do you mean you’re going out for a cigarette well no I had enough of the [ __ ] yeah we’re sinking you can’t just disappear there is enough okay when somebody does a mistake I’m the first to admit it but not when I’m covering for someone else’s [ __ ] I had enough of this you can’t just walk out for a cigarette Philip I’m sorry the shit’s hit the fan I’m here to the hell let’s get back on here straight away and start again let’s go come on it seems Israel believes Philip’s not entirely to blame for this Fiasco why do I have a waitress going into the kitchen with a problem without Dave knowing you’ve been told there is a manager on the floor and that manager should be on the ball with every single [ __ ] table what stage are they have they have a coffee have they had to drink how long since they order that’s what I want out of you stops here St it has to stop there yeah exactly that was wrong Israel’s right as a manager Dave should have the situation well in hand you in charge cing the food in and out you need to know what stage hang on hang on let me finish okay get off the floor now yeah get off the floor now okay get off the floor now use the back door please the catalog of disasters has taken their toll Israel’s had to give away over100 worth of complimentary food and drink and to avoid further embarrassment he decided to shut the service down after just one sitting how long for table four pH how long they’ve been in here I can imagine 1 hour 20 [ __ ] minutes 1 hour and 20 minutes what the [ __ ] going to happen Saturday well tomorrow we’re going to have to get our ship together that’s for sure it’s been a real disappointment for everyone but we can learn from today’s harsh lessons may I suggest you know only take the customers you can do and then each and every day build it because chanceford is a small close-knit town and if word spreads that you’ve reopened and the food is not as good as you think it should be then they won’t come back huh Phil’s clearly been through the mill these last few days even though I didn’t want to admit it I have actually lost part of that passion which I had doesn’t it become painful trying to cook with no feeling it becomes an automatis will you find that passion again it has come back already mhm well I didn’t think that lunch time when you walked out for a cigarette but you came back that was the most important thing you know that yeah and I appreciated that yeah hey I don’t want to do it without you it’s not my kitchen you know this is your kitchen I know yeah perhaps one of the toughest weeks I’ve ever had in my [ __ ] career oh yeah oh [ __ ] yeah definely but get it back on track that’s the most important thing Israel keep on them yeah breathing down their necks yeah thank you very much bye thank you bye take care thank you Gordon thank you guys Chef thank you yes do you really hate me can I pass on the comments bye guys yes hey you I’ll be back thank you I’ll be back yes good with my new potatoes bye bye byebye can breathe my it’s been 6 weeks since I was last in chelsford and I’ve heard rumors that something strange has been going on at the sarson’s head Cafe Bar what happened to sarson’s head in the week I spent at D place it didn’t take long to sus out that D stood for Dreadful and for as long as I’ve got a hole in my butt big boy those [ __ ] potatoes have been in the deep fat fryer the owners were in Dire Straits if I don’t do something drastic then you know this business will go down the pan and the staff were dysfunctional from now on stop being a stubborn [ __ ] French bastard we need to turn their attitudes around and [ __ ] get this place back on track over the longest seven days of my life we injected some passion into the food no that’s his that’s yours there come on and got the team eating out of each other’s hands that that’s me tasting it it wasn’t perfect to get back to work in 10 minutes but I really felt that saran’s cafe bar was well on the road to recovery all three of you well done that was [ __ ] excellent the latest news from inside side is unbelievable I thought things couldn’t get any worse but they just have um God how strange I mean really really strange um Israel’s no longer there the place has gone into receivership she said two weeks ago it doesn’t belong to him the brewery have taken it back and um he’s been kicked out the Brewer has put the lease of depl up for sale and Israel and Tara are out on their ears ironically the one person I suspected might not be here is here Philip Blaze executive chef extraordinaire it’s a very very sad you know uh a story total total shock yeah and everything you put into it and what the guys done and just yeah all gone down the drain basically you’re looking very clean obviously not making many club sandwiches we are what the time down we are it’s one of the best seller what better than the cro M no come on it is better a better salad than the cro M what’s coming out the quickest the club sandwich the club sandwich so it appears that things were really starting to happen at the place after I left and the food sales were on the up hello Israel hello I did not expect to see you here you know that but it seems it was too little too late for Israel and Tara oh [ __ ] yeah very well how are you feeling all right thank yeah yeah it was our last chance to get it to get it together and we did the town was bassing with with s since had been able to produce the quality of the food that we were producing nice simple the people were coming in and said it was delicious it was perfect they didn’t have long to reap the benefits shortly after I left the brewery took the business out of Israel and Tara’s hands and it just happened on the spur of the moment that you’re at work and all of a sudden bang well we w we didn’t even know we were going to be asked for the keys just bought a new house mortgage all at the wrong time you’re out yeah on your ass you’re s months seven8 months pregnant eight months pregnant I mean this is not the kind of predicament I you know I expected to see um what did you lose Israel lost obviously more than I did but mine was inheritance from my mother and my grandmother the fact that I was naive and I didn’t know how Corporate big Nationals work and and and the world of the accountant and the solicitors and all of that crap I don’t know anything about I know how to serve people I know how to make them smile I know how to deal with a complaint I know how to deal with the kitchen I don’t know how to deal with business you know transactions of that matter and that’s where it hurts going love you and leave you I feel so sorry for them and I still can’t quite believe what’s happened good luck the baby take care Israel and Tara had genuinely thought they could keep the business going but sadly after calling the spokesperson for the brewery It all becomes crystal clear okay all right thank you Tim um sounds now like the brewery were only acting on the best interest by accepting the highest bid and I think Israel has been slightly naive no matter how good the food is you’ve really got to understand every aspect of your business and the areas you don’t understand seek advice before you get [ __ ] this is Blackpool it’s what and this is blackpool’s R of the yeah uh you never call out the orders yeah but I mean I’m I’m struggling in my own mind at the minute no no really this is blackpool’s rest of the year table two two moves one bread and but pudding have I got it I’m [ __ ] I’m destroyed that’s how I feel I feel like I never want to [ __ ] cook again and this is how not to run a restaurant we can’t cook a [ __ ] muscle you [ __ ] yeah clonker [ __ ] Blackpool is Britain’s biggest brass’s Resort home to the nation’s favorite sealess comedians and an unprecedented choice of chip shops love it or loath it this place doesn’t do anything by halves used to come to Blackpool all the time with Mom and Dad in fact this time of year to come and have a look at the lights and um want used to go and play Bingo would you [Music] believe same TRS same lights same noise and same freezing weather [ __ ] it’s cold catering for the massive 12 million tourists that come here every year there are more than 650 places to eat and I’m looking for the one that’s been crowned Blackpool tourist Boards restant of the year is that it that can’t be it actually looks like a sex shop having managed a restaurant in the local casino 46-year-old Dave Jackson and 30-year-old partner Dawn Brinley pulled their life savings to offer Blackpool a unique Oasis of homecooked Cuisine it’s got a cracking atmosphere when there’s people in it it’s lovely and ab I I love it and to see it empty we did it last night we stood here for 3 hours and I just could have gone home in tears 18 months later they’re barely breaking even with turnover at a poultry £500 a week we won an award we’ve got pretty good reviews but we still can’t get people up the stairs it’s very depressing putting food fresh food in the bin after 2 or 3 days it’s only the ground floor greasy spoon that’s stopping them from going under morning good morning clubway this is it upstairs first floor restaurant of the Year yes sir in clubway upstairs restaurant dawn looks after the front of house and comes up with the menu ideas while Dave rustles them up in the third floor kitchen Hi D hi Gord so this is it this is it yeah this is my little bit excellent what’s that you doing there but pach satana bread and butter pudding popular very popular uhhuh occasionally uh I forget about them oh [ __ ] yeah and the most popular on the menu what are they main course is chicken’s popular Lamb’s quite popular this sounds intriguing flake salmon with strawberries yeah that was popular top with lemon and lime and honey dressing yeah soup of the moment what does that mean soup of the moment it’s whatever whichever one we do rather than put on an actual soup so like I mean we do tomato and contro at the moment we’ve got tomato and contro Jesus where did that one come from so again I think D I came up with a tomato and she added the quantro so yeah it works well does it yeah it flies out in order for me to get up to speed I’d like to be eat off it okay F no problem I’ll see you in 5 that I wasn’t expecting cuz nothing’s on as a starter I’ve ordered one of D’s favorite dishes thank you a salad of salmon and strawberries with a lime and honey dressing no one’s ever been in my kitchen and now I’m cooking for Gordon Ramsey and my fingers won’t work my brain won’t work what can I do a three course meal at clubway cost between 20 and £25 there we go and pray for that price in Blackpool Dave’s food can’t afford to be anything less than perfect thank you very much [Music] what was going through somebody’s mind putting salmon with strawberries that can go off the end of the paer next Jo I used think it was bad cooking for the Mother-in-law day’s clearly out of practice but then this place is like the Mary Celeste okay just explain what it is please okay we’ve got medallions of pork on a bed of spring onion mashed potato the sauce is Bri and nectarine and we have past Christmas and compliment little paprika hot thank you than very tough the pork has been battered and beaten heavily you’d struggle to give that to a dog bits of parsnip rubber supposed to be crisp by the way a BRI andorine sauce is [ __ ] disgusting we’ll skip the pudding time for a deep breath I just hope Dave and daor have got stronger stomachs than I [Music] have okay we need to talk okay I didn’t expect it to be that bad cuz everything was rough yeah trust me the combination of a hot Bree nectar rings and whiskey that’s probably the worst Source I’ve ever tasted in my entire life overcooked in sepid pork and badly put together right okay yeah so work to do a lot of work to do okay by the way the mash wasn’t bad got one F I’m cry Le I’ve been told him [ __ ] but the best that’s [ __ ] brutal that was Mash wasn’t bad though that’s something how this place ever won anything other than a [ __ ] booby prize I’ll never know and if there was a rule book this place would be the classic example on how not to run a [ __ ] restaurant starting with rule number one don’t assume winning an award means people will know who you are and where you are um do you know where clubway 41 is it’s black blackpool’s ression of the Year n no it’s around here just off the prominade no I’m going to hello mate it’s blackpool’s sort of restaurant of the year The Hot Spot since when yeah this year in fact ladies have you heard of Club Way 41 a restaurant nobody seems to have even heard of the place it’s black pool’s restaurant of the Year never heard of it oh God but remarkably it seems the award really is genuine I’ve just found the um forms for the nomination for the Blackpool tourism awards some of the best fresh food we’ve ever eaten varied menu cing from most taste yeah I’ll say taste from a [ __ ] cow’s backside to a pig’s [ __ ] snort I would honestly say this has been the best meal I’ve ever had in my life honestly in Brackets a truly Unforgettable experience well [ __ ] me I’ve had an unforgettable experience I catching Decor someone’s pulling my [ __ ] plonker yesterday I spent my first day at clubway 41 black Ball’s failing R of the Year quite frankly I don’t know where to start come on tomato quro come on P next Dave and dor have already lost two houses in an effort to stay afloat and if they’re not careful they’ll lose their last remaining Lifeline the downstairs greasy spoon that’s just about keeping their bank manager at Bay try to froz mik it’s one of those days where I really just want to be somewhere else today it’s time to bring Dave Dawn and their food back to the real world how you feeling this morning totally destroyed um listen you’ve got to bounce back yeah and I’m I I ate that food last night and I was honest I’m [ __ ] I’m destroyed yeah that’s how I feel I feel like I never want to [ __ ] cook again you’re a tough cookie and you’re resilient and you’ve been through the meal before and you know what’s good and know what’s bad I’m here to help and I’m not going till I get it right okay I’ll tell I’ll tell the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah but bounce back I will I will if you think that’s pressure well wakey wakey mate get a grip look for your bollocks and once you found them then start using them they seem faru cool so far in order for me to really see what you’re like and understand your capabilities I’ve got 20 people coming for lunch today okay now yep okay um they got a be in and out in an hour and a half they’re coming at 2:00 it’s been a long time since Dave had 20 customers to cook for and he’s clearly petrified so I’m hoping to enlist the help of a man who’s been coping Abra with pressure since I arrived order table five b Farm Nigel the short order cook in the ca downstairs um so when you get a rush on how many orders come on at once uh well the cafe could be empty at one stage then all of us there it can be full 12 tables and you’re on your own and how many customers have you done in one day at Max what’s the what’s the most you going about 250 300 easy and that’s on a good Saturday buy yes very much so yeah very much so yeah the buz the adrenaline is Amazing 2 minutes for the breakfast babe Nigel may spend most of his days cooking bacon buts but I wouldn’t mind betting he’s a solid man to have by your side okay going on table two to breakfast B especially when you’re as jittery as Dave is I’ve got a problem with with the Bri nect TR Source haven’t got any nect Trin right can know well have you ever tasted it without the nectarines no have you ever tasted it with just a simple gravy yes finished with fresh Rosemary so forget the Bree SCE right okay yeah that’s fine as a 46-year-old Chef Dave’s naivity is beginning to shock me I’m going to start off with a quick red wine sauce but it turns out he’s hardly set foot in the kitchen since he trained in the 70s you don’t sash the garlic down just put it in Ho like that all I did was just crushed it lightly just with the H of the night exactly that how not to run a restaurant rule number two never appoint yourself head chef if you can’t cook when we bought this place to save on money you know I took the roll of up here and then Dawn we knew was perfectly capable of running the restaurant and D where do where does dwn get these ideas from vivid imagination she’s I mean a lot of the stuff she does come up with certainly last year I mean it worked and it worked well you we got no customers yeah I know well so how did it work did it work for you did it work for her cuz it didn’t work for the restaurant no yeah all right I can’t win that argument cuz I got an empty restaurant so taste that that’s where the that’s where the that’s where the flavor is don’t get that out of a tender get out our 17 customers are local dancers who’ve hot footed it here in between shows they need to be in and out within an hour and a half the food’s prepped and the restaurant’s only half full and with Nigel by his side Dave should be able to cope thank you sir need to see the kitchen Under Pressure mhm so um I know he’s your boyfriend yeah y but give him some work to do bring him on he are you ready to order no I put me 3 in of water in the bottom of that mate dealing with several orders at a time is standard practice in the kitchen that first order on but within seconds of receiving the first Bunch Dave’s flapping about like a headless chicken yeah okay Don right you’ve just put me four checks in yeah who’s in first okay yeah they’re both came in together we got both the checks at the same time big deal [ __ ] and whilst he’s been panicking about the orders Dave’s burnt the custard it’s Criminal [ __ ] so that’s on that’s on the chicken do you call out the orders Dave sorry you never call out the orders yeah but I mean I’m I’m struggling in my own mind at the minute so how not to run a restaurant rule number three if you lose all powers of communication Under Pressure you shouldn’t even be in the kitchen ni you do anything Dave you’ve clammed up you’ve talked to him tell him what you want him to do I’m not sure sorry I’m not sure myself so it’s your [ __ ] restaurant I know it’s my Resturant right give me a piece of pork nice Dave you looking the [ __ ] already I am yeah you are the customers have been here 27 minutes and they still haven’t had a sniff of grub I’m going to be nearly ready to go in a minute on the first table Yeah right love thank you the food has finally started to leave the kitchen but whether it’s edible or not is another matter it’s depressing they’re cooking for a dining room is only half full but for Clow way to survive it needs to be completely Chalker at weekends very difficult to keep people placated when you’re not going anywhere we not give them all the BR I’ll pay [ __ ] me it’s been a long time it’s hard I’m getting no feedback from dawn so I’m I’m like I’m running blind Running Blind at a minute and not feedback what feedback do you need right now well really is is everybody okay is anyone you know starting to sort of like win cuz they’re white in or just relax just relax you’re all over the shop like a [ __ ] Ranger if you cool down and just relax and get yourself composed I think you do a 10 times better job yeah yeah I know yeah you’re right yeah yeah without getting paranoid Our Guest have to leave in 15 minutes and they haven’t even started on desserts yet you’ve got table two two moves one bread B pudding have I got it yeah you got it right table seven four moves have I got it R of the Year Blackpool yeah [ __ ] hole of the year um yeah making hard work of nothing really all over the place completely disorientated his own kitchen very bad at delegation and totally in a mess I can’t think of two things at once 17 guests that’s all it took him 1 hour and 5 minutes cooked for 10 people and the last seven guests have taken 45 minutes shocking so you want three first one banan is what going that what I was asking you okay that’s fine right tell me that in the first place I [ __ ] answer go around [ __ ] oh dear oh dear spare room again it’s the end of the season for Blackpool tomorrow night the illuminations will be switched off and the tourists will go home from what I’ve seen so far it will be a miracle if clubway 41 survives the winter right Dave stop cooking like a ray of tank stop monking around and bananas are off the menu thank you very much thank you by day three it’s clear in my mind that there’s only one way forward simplify the food and simplify the preparation but first I want to give Dave and Nigel senses a wakeup call get those on yeah up you got to really rely on your taste buds now how not to run a restaurant rule number four if your chefs can’t distinguish between Heavenly and hellish food combinations then your customers won’t be coming back for more Dave what can you taste there uh B Basel what about something meaty that very rare beef watch my fingers please remember this one Dave signature dish even my six-year-old daughter would know this is a conry Calamity Dave daughter me about that one what what flavors can you identify straight away chees yeah pineapple yeah pineapple cheese I think what it is is it like a shellfish like a scolar when you brush your teeth in the morning do you use toothpaste or cigarettes cuz you got a mouth like a cow’s backside de oh de good Olive tomato do those flavors work together yeah they do yeah they definitely work together yeah one of my favorites yeah ready for the last one the evil salmon and strawberry starter open whyde that Dave swears is so popular on his menu first of all nice would you be happy to pay money for that no not this no on that one I I would not to my taste no it doesn’t work for me doesn’t work for me nect and pork okay take the [ __ ] blindfolds off that last stick had your salmon and strawberries and [ __ ] Water Crest on there yes yeah if it doesn’t work in your [ __ ] palette what chance has it got working in a restaurant point taken very much so very very constructive that dear oh dear oh dear now I need to be sure the creative Mastermind behind clubway disastrous current menu Isn’t about to sabotage a painfully slow progress my question is what gives you the right to think of these ideas and then in your own mind think that it’s right for the customers when you haven’t seen it before just experiment really just try and put different flavors together we we’ve tried because we’ve tried so many menus and to try and fill the restaurant we have done plain and then we’ve gone the Avenue well maybe um we are too plain and people can make this at home and unfortunately it’s not working no I mean until you’ve actually put it as plainly as you have done yesterday and today and actually gone through there’s too many flavors going on because the business is disintegrated and there’s no customers you’re digging deep but you’re Lively you’re a live wire and that’s a healthy sign in a business you know it needs that energy but I think what you’ve got to really understand what you’re telling Dave to do he’s not capable of doing right okay the restaurant is empty and the next AG is to close it we’re not going to close it we’re going to look at clever simple combinations put them back on the menu and get back to something that sounds in touch with Blackpool okay clubway food isn’t just unappetizing it’s packed with costly out of season ingredients that reflect in its overpriced menu use anything on it didn’t he I’ve decided to challenge DA’s perception of Simplicity by giving him a tray full of ingredients to make a broccoli soup he can use as many or as few as he seeds fit but it’s got to be good okay is it finished yeah a little taste sure taste broccoli I can taste little bits of broccoli tastes a bits but you can’t taste flavor got can’t taste flavor exactly water onto the boil my recipe consists of broccoli yeah and broccoli and broccoli and broccoli and broccoli boiling rapidly I can’t believe it’s that simple I’m Sor because once we’ve cooked the broccoli in that water we’re then going to strain it yeah and add the water back to the broccoli Dave’s simple broccoli soup contains 16 ingredients including pricey cream and butter mine is just three broccoli salt and water it cost Pence and it took a lot less time to make have a taste I love the color what’s the first thing that comes into your mind God that is so tasty of broccoli it’s all you taste and it gives me that sense of Christ that’s moish I want more because it tastes of broccoli understand the next one taste of that one Dave likes it but what about his misses which one would you pay for I don’t like either you don’t like either [ __ ] hell that’s too plain and that’s to from now on you’re staying out the kitchen yeah nothing to do with your food nothing to do with any Tangerine nectarine [ __ ] mango I’m never going to look at one ever again fantastic Dave you’re now in control of your kitchen thank you okay [ __ ] off thank you how not to run a restaurant rule number five don’t give your establishment a name that makes it sound like a strip joint clubway 41 first floor restaurant licensed Cafe Restaurant [ __ ] hell nothing think of name something positive something that really what’s your Sur name mine Brindley brindley’s brindley’s beastro Cafe H what’s your surname Jackson Jackson sounds good and it’s Jackson you enough to marry me babe aren’t you so I’m a Jackson too even more pressure now everything costs me money are you proposing isn’t it your job to propose it’s the love of my life we’ll take a day off easy take a day off and I’ll marry you so long as it’s on the cards then yeah yeah yeah I’m happy Jackson yeah we’ll go that we got you sure now very yeah and are you settled on that 100 100 100% the Bria nectarine fog that’s been surrounding Dave appears finally to be lifting are you in touch with Blackpool what’s all the chefs using at the moment what’s the what’s the latest big thing what’s caught locally what’s from the fish market what’s down the veg Market no then I’d have to put hand on her and say no no cuz I’d rely on with suppliers yeah we lost Direction it’s gone badly wrong um you got to keep your ear close to the ground so what do you want from Blackpool I want people to come and have good honest food uh-huh that’s it in that shop that’s what I want and how far are you away from that now miles probably further than we are from the restaurant now it takes a brave man to acknowledge his business is on the brink of collapse but I’ve not given up hope on Dave yet we’ve hit rock bottom yeah we’ve hit rock bottom now we’re going up and if you can’t stand the heat [ __ ] off out the kitchen [ __ ] off out the kitchen hold on tight I am [ __ ] hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] hell really pleased to see the back of that yes it’s my fourth day in Blackpool and its Resturant of the Year clubway 41 is no longer yeah look look look all coming coming down fantastic from today this place will be known simply as Jackson’s Darren can you get that [ __ ] banner down as well please yeah we give that back to the tourist board but even with a facelift we’re still breaking a cardinal rule in how not to run a restaurant [ __ ] name rule number six first floor establishments are notoriously difficult to fill so to give Dave and Dawn’s new Venture of fighting chance I’ve come up with a radical idea I think you’re missing a real serious trick here this Cafe functions brilliantly during the day and I think we should look at moving the restaurant and operating the restaurant from here in the evening but I stood outside last night and I looked I thought God that front hch restaurant would die for that kind of Frontage out there it’s not new SCE is it really no it’s not you the kitchen’s on show there’s an atmosphere going on there’s a bit of banter you got all the bus stops all the locals going home yeah when someone walks past that and they see this place full what are they going to do want to eat there they want to come in and eat it is a nice room to work and plus no buzzes no phone I can see David it’s oneon-one they can see him and it’s more of a a partnership for the two of us and the customers are coming in and seeing us both in our environment not Dave stuck in the kitchen and popping down when he can so can’t pour Dr and milk C his head down here but we have got a sell AR we in tomorrow night we’ve invited 50 influential people to launch the new name and to match its fresh clean exterior we’ve come up with a fresh clean simple menu have you made a castle before no no you never made a castle before no no [ __ ] me 47 years ago 30 years ago probably at cing College it’s time to nail rule number seven don’t attempt to cook elaborate food before you’ve mastered the very Basics we’ll start off with just roasting off the vegetables right and then we’ll Brown the meat put it all into a pot and let it cook nice and slow about an hour and a half I’ve got just 36 hours to teach Jackson’s inept head chef how to cook Nigel you’re doing the potatoes yes once they finished we’re going to make a fish stop yeah that’s going to be our base for fish [Music] suit lamb need to colored off see look how dark it is that there is all about Flavor there that whole thing there is just pure flavor using inexpensive produce fresh from the local markets 90% of this new food can be prepared in advance dishes like lamb casserole pork tarine and fish soup are designed to take the heat off during service that’s it nicely mixed good the aim is to get Dave and Nigel sending out delicious tasty food to a dining room full of customers without Dave having a nervous breakdown in the process you’re free you’re free to control it and do it properly without having to do 20 things at once yeah understand next up we’re prepping some locally caught fish for a deliciously simple soup right Gordon just give me a hand here with you please yeah do the knife yeah then watch it all the way down to the tail y off right eyes out yep and just cut it up into quarters any specific way or just well it’s only for a fish do Dave so whatever way you feel fit okay this is like pulling teeth anyone that hasn’t actually cooked a castle before yeah or fled fish shouldn’t be roing a [ __ ] restaurant so let’s get cracking on with the fish soup cook off your muscles and we’ll save the juice yeah have you cooked muscles before no you’re pulling my plonka now aren’t you you’ve never cooked a muscle all right we can shout or you can [ __ ] help I don’t mind what do you mean I can help what have we been doing for the last yeah okay fine you’re right I’m sorry what I’ve been doing for the last 2 hours fine so what do we want in here I’m just amazed you’ve never cooked a muscle I haven’t don’t take the piss out of me for it though oh who’s taking the piss I don’t think you can actually cook if you have [ __ ] CH if you can’t cook a [ __ ] muscle you [ __ ] yeah he go on yeah finish it then finish what what you about to say are what am I about to say cook a muscle no I haven’t cooked one right okay so shall I show you how to cook a muscle oh at last thank you yes please right are you going to tone your voice down or you going to shout like some dick I’ll shout like some dick and then I’ll calm down right now I shout fck to the book shop read how to cook a muscle and come back and see me and I’ll run your [ __ ] Resturant thank you clonker [ __ ] [ __ ] him out what’s all that about Jesus Christ well at least we broke the ice now anyway we know where we stand yeah 5 minutes after he put his toys back in his Prem Dave returned ready and willing to learn how to cook muscles we’re doing is steaming them now not quite we’ve done more in the last [ __ ] hour than we have in 3 days yeah yes I know more about you and you know more about [ __ ] me yes true Chef thank you Gordon Gordon [ __ ] the chef rule number eight don’t assume you can run a restaurant just because you’ve worked in one sometimes you know when I listen to you talk about food and the way you are in a kitchen I’m concerned you fall in love with becoming a great chef but forgot to go through the Journey to get there what do you mean by a great chef I mean to reach a good no no [ __ ] all to do with me you’re not working for someone else now working for yourself and you know this is on its ass the business can’t get any worse I just don’t want you to get in a situation where you think that you’re going to be blackpool’s best chef cuz for as long as you got a hole on your ass that’s never going to happen all right Dave and Dawn would be better off with a new chef but they simply can’t afford one right now there he is Mookie the clown has agreed to try and work some Miracles with what we’ve got now that man’s got amazing coordination skills that’s good that’s good that’s it slow that’s brilliant that’s brilliant leading a successful kitchen takes tremendous concentration so all we doing with is creating that momentum honey you’ve got to constantly be thinking ahead to keep on top of the game just like being in a kitchen yeah yeah creating that momentum with great coordination skills of table three table four together putting two tables together yeah sending three tables together there we go now we have to take them off it may be a crash course in control in his kitchen but at last something seems to be sinking in Come On Dave you can do this see [Music] one thank you very much take your B with the launch of Jackson’s Restaurant just 12 hours away it new downstairs venue is been treated to a facelift [Music] it’s goodbye to the old clinical Cafe and hello to a warm and inviting restaurant what a difference huh brilliant it it looks absolutely amazing really does looks absolutely smashing there very nice there’s loads to do food for the new simplified menu needs to be prepared practiced we waste nothing and perfected same amount for the bottom same amount for the top 2 and 1 half minutes each side I never thought of having a r time never the million years the machine and just to make sure we’re instigating idiot proof measures down takes the air out okay one nice portion so water’s boiling rapidly it goes in you cut the top off and it’s away it couldn’t be easier but AR’s first night is everything and the team can’t afford to put a foot wrong David it’s your restaurant Big Knight is there anything you think that you can’t do no nothing yeah anything you want to check change no happy with it lamb Castle bring it back to the ball middle of the plate meet in the middle dumplings on the side pushing pushing in here push push push push question question question run it through your mind then it becomes fluent fluid happy [ __ ] customers full dying room and everything moves okay okay the newly incarnated Jacksons has got to be a slick operation Jackson that looks nice two cses £4 three cses £8 Darren that doesn’t sound expensive does it two cses £4 three is 18 Che that looks nice hey welcome to Jackson’s nice new Immaculate hats proper hats just do me a favor you look the part cook the part good luck everyone thank you very much stay cool stay calm yes and communicate oh our first customers hey guys I’m the first customer yes you are good evening it’s nice to meet you welcome to Jackson ladies from the tourist board don’t mention the [Laughter] banner thank you I feel like I’m just about to light the fuse and let it explode it’s a huge gamble putting Dave and his nerves on show but maybe an audience is exactly what he needs to focus C’s happy nice nice Buzzy restaurant we’ll give it that way is here we go one check on please okay one macro salad one soup one lamb one steak Dave’s off to a good start how long David that’s goody talking yes he’s got a confidence about him I haven’t seen before and he appears to be in control thank you service please table two two TP one MW okay got table two’s mael and P and there’s your bread okay I’m going to go with table 10 Mains then table seven starters first main course now first main course now to 10 let’s go service please way to 10 the plates are spinning but will Dave be able to keep them up come on guys nicely seasoned Nigel’s been as clear and concise with his steaks as he is with his bacon and eggs one steak medium one steak medium well medium well darling medium table two okay table two gone Dave thank you okay service please table one one Pate one tart thank you check please even in its Heyday this place has never been so busy thank you service please table five suit and there’s nothing more alluring to potential customers than an attractive buzzing restaurant there’s nothing difficult here soup to reheat everything’s cooked even the potatoes are cooked all they have to do is dress the salad gr the ma and put it onto a plate got anything else was it that was T what have you just sent Nigel five so fish yours yeah I’ve got yeah don’t for get your lemon but 50 minutes in and the kitchen’s having trouble keeping Pace okay okay right now what I’m doing now Dave right we go we go with these starters sorry those plates are beginning to wobble David don’t burn any of that macel we need everything that’s on order now you know sorry don’t burn that Mackle I won’t be here next week so Dave and Nigel have got to prove to each other they can do this on their own hey STS coming now please okay I’m doing now table nine starters okay and then we’ll all the rest will just come out together yeah can we serve some more champagne for those people that haven’t got starters or some wine or something yeah keep just keep them [Music] happy got off to a great start now it’s gone really per shap because there actually Six Tables waiting for the starters I need seven and six next but I need the starters on eight Mikey Mike need some pound mate please and you got a state well done I’ve only got one St you’re here yeah I’ve only got one state left I did say that Dave’s plates are no longer wobbling they’re crashing down around him I haven’t got the steak I can do the pen an hour after they ordered customers have been told their choice of main course is no longer available and we need these customers back have they had the starters yet so already we’ve gone back to the table and said we got no steak so how long for those starters Dave 11 12 okay shoulders we need 11 and 12 okay fine watch those Stakes that’s all we’ve got left you know that two medium well please okay okay despite all the delays Dawn’s waiting team have managed to keep the customers happy they gave us an extra glass of champagne that was lovely that’s made R9 little bit chipsy now but we’re all right please the food has looked a hell of a lot better the mackerel started was beautiful I really enjoyed that we’ve had a wonderful evening and and the food well um if it’s all around my mouth I’m sorry even more miraculously Dave has got through it service please without having a nervous [Music] breakdown it’s not perfect by a long chalk but they’ve come a hell of a long way in a week the following morning Dave and Dawn have had a booking for 10 based on a recommendation from last night you can’t get better feedback than that morning morning Gordon how are you well morning D you well thank you there’s a present and I want it for you you want it for me is it a coordination challenge it’s a r it yeah keep it as a good luck man ni how are you feeling yeah very well positive about last night actually which has sort of you know give us another two three services and uh we have it Top Notch it’s not until you work something that you find it pitfalls so and now we worked it and we saw the pitfalls so now we know which areas to look in Dawn Sparkle and energy are perfect for front of house I just need to be sure she’ll steer well clear of that menu last night I stood outside and just looked and saw the resturant full you busy and buzzing it was great and feeding off the customers and bouncing off them it’s the base now the start for something that we think is going to really take off yeah my concerns with David is I don’t want him getting Beyond his station again I don’t want you filling his head with brie no believe me it’s never going to happen again I’ve listened to it no menus this is my bit that’s his bit no menus last night worked and you so know it [ __ ] works like that nothing more I want you to keep hold of that it was nice it buzzing again it simple it’s all about organization yeah but don’t get too ambitious and certainly don’t turn it into something pretentious because that is going to close this place I know money’s time and finances are difficult in time I want you to look for a new Chef crucial yeah I agree with that one more thing keep the [ __ ] nectarines in the fruit salad yeah keep the nectaries in the fruit salad yes not with [ __ ] battered out for there you go thank you look after that lady I will do bye guys thanks thank you drive carefully please oh thank you damn I forgot to mention rule 9 you’re only as good as your last service 8 months ago I came to Blackpool on a mission to breathe some life back into his failing restant of the year right table two mov one bread and bought a pudding have I got it but a quick resuscitation for clubway 41 was out of the question that’s probably the worst source of ever tasted in my entire life they were breaking every rule in the book I don’t think you can actually cook if you a [ __ ] if you can’t cook a [ __ ] muscle yeah the [ __ ] name but after a week we’d moved Heaven and Earth to make the new Jackson a going concern they one one Pate one tart and by the skin of our teeth we just about pulled it off they gave us an extra glass of champagne that was lovely that’s made our night I left Dawn and Dave at the end of blackpool’s season with a Chance of surviving a long Bleak winter Summer’s here and they’re still open how are you yeah very well thank you yourself well on the surface the place is looking great just give me an attack there oh please but it’s soon clear that things are far from Rosie and where’s n well nig’s gone because n’s gone because I think it’s probably best off left like that you’re missing a chef God things must be bad I was hoping Dave was going to recruit reinforcements in the kitchen not get rid of them so getting through the winter was the most important thing which you managed to do it Ian we knew winter would be hard but we didn’t I didn’t think it would be that hard all the way through January February we carried on nothing and then we ended up with this bus station right outside we can’t have the doors open in the summer because the the f fumes the diesel fumes are disgusting this is a terrible twist of fate they’ve just about survived the winter and now a bus exchange has landed on their doorstep apart from physically drag these people into the building I really don’t know what more we can do I mean we’ve worked our asses off all year with debts at an all-time high Dave and daor shut down the evening restaurant just 2 months after Jackson’s relaunch it just seems a a missed opportunity if you bin that idea so early when you you worked at it for six seven weeks if I hadn’t have done it and and cut my cost we wouldn’t be here now literally in a desperate effort to save money in the cafe they’ve shot themselves in the foot by outing homecooked food they’re back to box standard Frozen Blackpool fair so just Cafe food you this breakfast yeah what about the specials specials they’ve been up there I mean we just have the board up there now if summer trade doesn’t pick up soon Dave and Dawn will lose everything you thought about you have to speculate to accumulate yeah of course they piss you off but turn it round to your advantage so I’ve come up with a unique marketing strategy using the god awful buses to bring fresh food and customers back to Jackson’s Cafe the idea is I track them into the restaurant in the evening and the kids eat for for free for free yeah as an incentive through the summer 2005 and you know look delicious homecooked even specials after 600 p.m. very good idea are you happy I’m happy with that yeah thanks for that so for our summertime special it’s fresh fish and chips for Mom and Dad and free homemade chicken nuggets and mini burgers for the kids so they’re not coming to us [ __ ] it we’re going to go to them we’re doing some homemade specials this evening um if you order a special little girl Elite for free everything’s homemade so we’ll see you in about what half an hour that’s probably you Corner Jackson’s on Market see there yes thank you on the adult special we’ve got Fleetwood fresh C fish beer batter you like burgers don’t you big boy yeah you’re too slow at last a smile Dawn’s a natural saleswoman so why isn’t she out here every evening everything’s homemade on the premises fresh today fantastic produce and we start at 6:00 this evening what’s your favorite food what do you like curry curry Curry’s off the menu 6:00 all right thank you thank the past 8 months have clearly been very hard but to survive you can’t let it get you down you know the place is better than the cafe I think that’s my yeah that’s my my my my gripe there must be a 500 cafes that serve full in breakfast in Blackpool and if he’s got any chance of surviving you know you got to be better than that [ __ ] on the ass like that and the business is so [ __ ] weak we’ve got no choice have we huh come on don’t be upset no more right going be silly come here come on don’t be silly huh sorry don’t be silly C is strong should get back and cook some gons yes yeah what do you fancy you’re swimming no sniff well you’re you’re already wet huh standing in a [ __ ] swimming pool let’s go back to the restaurant tonight’s a chance to lift the bar and convince the punters that Jackson’s homecooked fresh food is A Cut Above the rest are you set up for uh for dinner I’m just about yeah I’ve just got these but Dave and dor have got to stick to their guns I was a little bit myth this morning when I heard that it only went for 6 weeks that’s not long enough to try it and I think what you’re doing is listening to the first or second customer and then that’s setting your thoughts for the next three or four months I I really had to look at the cost big style yeah you know at the end of the January Now The Season’s here we have the chance to evolve it in these over the next like 12 to 14 weeks we got to make a noise Dave this is uh you know a cafe it’s a smart place but you got to get that message across and you got to continue putting that message Out [Music] There Our PR exercise has paid off the customers are flocking in for everything 2 minutes for your garnish that’s fine thank you Dave’s at home cooking this kind of food and it’s flying out okay I need four gons out please and the home cooking seems to be hitting the spot is [Music] it’s nice crispy bath very tasty and the [Music] Cod that’s delicious you can do it this is simple might actually ask him for the [ __ ] recipe child’s Burger child’s burger no chips okay well I’m convinced how about the kids where’s it gone have you eat it all well done out of 10 how many would you mark it what you 100 that means it was a really good burger the meal Deal’s been a real success and the fresh food has proved its worth the food was 100 times better customers were happy weren’t they yeahuh kids were in there we had to go off the street and drag them in but you know that’s what it’s going to take to get this place back great honest food that will fill a restaurant really do yeah yeah yeah you it’s not that difficult yeah is it no no this is a rule book cuz when I first came to Jackson’s or clubway at the time yeah it was everything arest shouldn’t be read this there’s one special rule rule number 10 don’t think you’re life saving into opening a restaurant if you’re in any doubt of success if I ask you to turn the top back two years you have bought clubway 41 knowing what I know now yeah no but hindsight’s always an exact science but with what we’ve learned we will carry and it will work look what you been through yeah don’t B it read me the rule before I go my lucky number number seven don’t attempt to cook elaborate food before you’ve mastered the basics and that is one thing we definitely learned from your last visit yeah good Sound Advice Sound Advice lovely bedtime reading tonight bedtime reading Big Time hey good good to see you and you yes yeah a get a kiss Dave and daor have been through the mill but if they can stay focused for the rest of the season they might just be here next year how many women does it take to run a restaurant badly three if it’s called Morgan’s you better watch out because we’re going to get him I’m grappling with girl power to save this restaurant you with us it’s going to be handbags at dwnm with Mom don’t tell me to shut up God I won’t be spoken to like that all right and sibling rivalry is driving me demented you tell you do my role sorry I [Music] [Music] typical Liverpool a city that’s sheding its rundown reputation with rocketing house prices and3 billion worth of investment is rapidly becoming hip and trendy [Music] 18th century Walton Village is one of the city’s most affluent and exclusive suburbs this is a typical sort of football as wife’s hangout there must be a great catchman for ladies who lunch especially all these amazing [Music] houses at Walton’s heart lies Morgan’s 3 years ago Sandy Morgan was an antique dealer before she changed her shop into a restaurant the idea actually started we were actually having dinner one night and I just said well just to cut for friends here now tend into a restaurant and thought great why not Sandy runs it with her two daughters Helen and Laura we’ve pulled together fought together we’ve laughed together cried together every emotion you can ever imagine how we’re all still talking to each other I don’t with no customers and £1,000 worth of debt the women will lose everything in 6 months sisters are definitely doing it for themselves maybe that’s why we need a bit of a testosterone from Gordon thank you thank you from the outside looks very romantic at perfect High Street local eery let’s get some dinner my name is Helen Helen how are you Don nice to meet you love to meet youse and this is I’m Sandy Sandy please to meet you I’m the mommy what a beautiful place thank you and this is this is Laura Laur Laura how are you I’m fine this is nice welome it’s beautiful do you like it and these girls serve here as well everything all good all round is good every single male in Li should been here tday how many’s books there’s a table at two at half six it’s weird I mean we’re in September it’s a sort of Indian Summer’s evening out there and you’ve got two booked yeah that’s it it needs a lot of tweaking who’s running the business we all do there three of us three of us taking responsibility for maybe one job three managers sounds like too many chiefs to me I better each yes thank right beautiful little smart restaurant very romantic and everything’s slightly uh weird apricots in a cream mashed potato with Linker sausage vanilla and Whiskey sauce with a fillet of beef this isn’t the sort of menu that ladies who lunch want even I don’t know what kind of menu this is the food is French English alart we sort of Bring In tha influence you know um Spanish it’s English Al can’t really on one sometimes you can get two or three different nationalities Phil is Morgan’s cocky but inexperienced head chef got to be confident in your own ability hav it otherwise put this be in a chef I need one soup one prawns one sausage one beef ping and one portion of Edy bastard I need two starters two means thank you lovely pan Fri prawns my paprika they’re absolutely solid I mean really solid no thought orange segments lemon segments in there and prawns that are just bullets hard disgusting bullets and sausage C and sausage thank you en thank you this dish is big enough for a dinosaur it’s like something out of Jurassic Park [ __ ] hell sausage on T-Rex [ __ ] hell a cherry tomato with a mashed potato laced with [ __ ] apricots that is pretty dismal this huge dish of overpriced stodge should be extinct no wonder the locals aren’t coming here no one’s going to sit down and and and even attempt to eat substantial mountains of food that doesn’t make sense like that nowhere near it sticky toffee P with a butterscotch sauce in the ice cream Junior suf Emma is Phil’s longsuffering sidekick her star turn is sticky tofe pudding but Phil hates it babe you know my feelings on this fu I know you don’t like it but D1 I’ve always said it should not be on our menu trial and error kneel turn around and go what is that what is that and he’ll be told it’s the Morgan classic sticky toffee pudding smell [Music] nice for the first time this evening I’m glad to be here this is nice light not too sticky person who made that dish doesn’t put [ __ ] apricot and mashed potatoes together and vanilla and whiskey it’s the verdict in you got a kid haven’t you what he thinks I do anyway hello everyone here’s G to meet you em nice to meet you I’m fine good to see you and you’re the um Chef the party deserts and star and this is Phil that’s Phil Chef toine yeah well thanks yeah yeah okay anyway it started off good I arrived and I thought it was actually quite a stunning intimate little place then the food arrived solid rockard prawns you dig deep and you come across the mashed potato that’s got laced with [ __ ] apricots tomatoes and a red currant je no what the [ __ ] were you thinking about putting apricots inside mashed potatoes do you know what right I actually took the recipe from the good food magazine the good food magazine that’s the [ __ ] answer what were you thinking about putting it together well why not it’s different you’ve got every right to be slightly [ __ ] off about it cuz I would be if I cook that [ __ ] and here we are in a current situation on our ass and the chef over there wants to [ __ ] laugh about it what the [ __ ] do you want me to do about it you’re standing there [ __ ] smiling me off [ __ ] you’ve just shown me over the last 3 minutes your attitude stinks it’s doesn’t at you can’t take criticism I can’t take criticism it’s there’s Ways and Means are going about and putting criticism across it’s the way speak you speak arrogantly how would you like to be spoken to just like a normal person like anyone would speak to anyone uhhuh no let’s go the other way shall we please be so kind to remove the apricot from the mashed potato see now you’re being a [ __ ] sarcastic I don’t know how I mean listen we got a problem here yeah and there’s a [ __ ] issue with the food now [ __ ] Mr chipmunk in the [ __ ] corner is pissed off the fact that I’m telling him something constructive if I can’t get over that hurdle I might as well [ __ ] off back on the train you understand have a word with a chef excuse me if you want to talk to me talk to me I’m talking to the owner like I’m a [ __ ] kid [ __ ] me did you like anything about the three courses there was one Saving Grace yeah there was the sticky tofe pudding was [ __ ] delicious oh thank you God I just wish I had it for my [ __ ] starter foxy that’s the nitty G over with anyway be [ __ ] dinner beautiful restaurant inside great potential then trying to [ __ ] tell the chef some form of constructive criticism he’s got a problem not just with his food but with his [ __ ] go you’ve got every right to be slightly [ __ ] off about it cuz I would be if I cook that [ __ ] Morgan’s Restaurant is an old woman run business trouble is it’s not being run very well and Chef over there wants to [ __ ] laugh about it [ __ ] do you want me to do about it you’re standing there [ __ ] M than me off it’s serving mountains of expensive stodge but there’s a much bigger problem the women can’t decide who’s in charge a recipe for disaster you just try and is a struggle sometimes and you know we kick off and we scream at each other and stuff do you know what’s wrong with our just is a nightmare and I’ve resigned so many times Sandy claims to be running Morgans but I wonder how how good a manager she really is I’ve decided to look at her accounts and find out come on right how long have you been here uh about two years nice so where’s the office s of here that’s that’s the office there yeah God how do you manage I don’t it’s difficult it needs to be bigger the Des needs bloody hell it’s hell cuz I can’t lay anything out well look at it all jammed in there like that I know I know s’s account books I completely hate wire where’s your target I need to do that yeah but no I’ve I I’ve just till no no I’ve got that written down I have got that written down where’s that um well can’t put my hands on it right now but can’t put your hands on it right now what have you got out of it in 3 years money financially yeah uh well we haven’t I haven’t how much have you lost in 3 years I don’t know Running a Restaurant is a full-time job not an occasion hobby if Sandy can’t even organize the books it’s little wonder she’s hired a chef whose mouth is bigger than his talent right Chef morning morning how are you not too bad you yeah very thank you uh yeah yeah slightly concerned but um a good sleep yourself no not a good k at all damn why cuz of last night uh-huh well that was last night this is today that’s a good attitude today’s another day mm we live and Le how even cooking Phil’s got more confidence than ability he’s never had any formal training but Sandy makes his job tougher because she won’t pay him for Preparation time the menu right it’s just basically being thrown together M I’m not allowed to come in at 9: in the morning what you mean you’re not allow well Sandy doesn’t want us to come in at 9:00 in the morning I get in so how’d you get ready for service I come in at 4:00 and I take of throwing it together even I can’t get [ __ ] ready from 4:00 in the afternoon now it’s starting to make sense why you [ __ ] so defensive totally understand it’s not entirely your [ __ ] fault what I want to do is [ __ ] work together on it no s I look forward to it you still want to punch me no I’ll sa sa that’s on actually okay good it’s 2 hours before satday service Morgan’s only busy night of the week with no preparation done the kitchen’s in chaos there’s not even enough food labels and just odds and sods thrown in here what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] dog [ __ ] so what do you need now for service cuz the place looks Spar if there 30 people coming for dinner it’s freaking me out of it not it’s freaking me out as well carrots broccoli beans bread prawns and is this normal this time afternoon for you to go off to the shops like that yeah yeah so you don’t actually get the stuff back then for at least another hour sometimes it don’t get till 6:00 when the customers are walking through the door [ __ ] me unbelievable the headchef should order supplies but s’s been buying from a supermarket because she doesn’t want to pay Phil to do it for her before we get any further what I wanted to say to both of you is the [ __ ] Supermarket is not good enough if question any CH of [ __ ] surviving yeah the cost of [ __ ] if we had a dinner party at home we would be sat here at [ __ ] 4:00 looking for a [ __ ] list let alone running a [ __ ] restaurant beans okay French beans vegetables I think beans beans beans oh God no no beans hold on around the next one beans good no no they’re they’re sliced they’re prepacked [ __ ] h no man sorry [ __ ] hell this way do you want Raw on to go what what did we get yesterday I think it was raw yeah yeah you sure how many would you like oh couple of um well K well a few pounds all of those and and some more if you have have you got some more than than than what’s out this is ridiculous you know [Music] that s’s panicked buying Philip steak but she should have had it delivered from a cheaper wholesaler Sandy it’s [ __ ] 5 5 where’s the Phil it State well it’s here somewhere no sain sain [Music] they must know where coming no that’s never happened before that they’ve got no FS rum steak rum steak no how much is that please 53.89 53.89 if we had to buy this produce on last night’s Takin we would be 30 quid [ __ ] short I’ve got a [ __ ] headache let’s go thank you than bye-bye it’s 7:00 and the restaurant is filling up Morgan’s is a stunning beautiful [ __ ] restaurant unfortunately the food is [ __ ] the chef’s way inexperienced he’s selftaught and he’s cooking with [ __ ] expensive ingredients bought from the local supermarkets and Sandy is just another prime example of an individual that’s open a restaurant without having a clue how to run one tonight I’m going to be watching Phil closely Che on Chef one beef on it one Chen more well medium please Phil’s menu is poorly designed but can he actually cook just watch your cooking yeah standards now yeah are you happy with that no no no nor M you’re a chef hey not a [ __ ] Coleman no no no feels just plain careless and it won’t put up with it watch that chicken is burning again that P we got any B [ __ ] hell kitchen started to act like [ __ ] slobs and happy to cook charcoal and then send it that’s not good [ __ ] ridiculous tell you what he’s [ __ ] sharping me that’s how he’s got where he is isn’t he his eyes are [ __ ] everywhere A customer has sent back a Creme Brule it’s like [ __ ] vomit do you know why it goes like that I think quick wh too far no no no under the girl AR know don’t eat that unless you prep to die Phil’s biggest problem is that he just doesn’t concentrate he’s simply out of his depth making silly mistakes I just feel as if I’m just not in control at all of my own [ __ ] my own job [ __ ] Doty Sandy supposed to be in charge of this mess s what are you doing just helping him out a bit get some it’s not a lot on tonight we’ve got no dishwashing so got a bit of a l you’re helping out the washer offer yeah well you know s’s interfering everywhere doing everyone else’s job and achieving nothing 2 seconds only are you lost are you wondering what to do got I’m I’m trying to do a little bit of everything keep it do I know that you are what is your role tonight what what what exactly are you doing well been waiting on waiting on what tables tables okay now you’re doing have you seen the size of that [ __ ] he’s more capable of washing Andy his own [ __ ] PL I’m not going to I’m not going to do it all night welcome to the [ __ ] lunatic asylum s’s so busy doing the dishes that she forgot her customer’s order for gravy he’s been waiting 15 minutes and complains to Helen so they’ve cleared three main courses from that table and one guy sat there with his sausage yeah looking for some [ __ ] sauce why is no one being straight with you and telling you what they need what what do they want excuse me it’s just gra St making it start making it he’s waiting there food’s going cway is waiting they’ve cleared the [ __ ] plates they’ve cleared three plates it’s only for one it is only for one G he’s quite happy to wait you’ve got to stop kidding yourself he’s not quite happy to wait his guest have cleared their main coret there’s like a [ __ ] kindergarten here you know that kitchen life no is it f catering life nothing like it no this is shambolic not catering at all fat me how long for the gravy for um at least five minutes Che at least 5 minutes [ __ ] me cing my [ __ ] ass I asked for a uh some kind of sauce or of gravy which came took a while to come uh to be fair 15 minutes there thereabouts and I paid 15 quid At Last I understand what I’m facing the chef’s slip shot concentration is producing terrible food but he was hired by Sandy and she’s the real problem an amate restaurant her messing in a business she knows nothing about it’s depressing to watch the restaurants sink this low that’s the saddest main cause ever seen in my entire life 39 years of age and seeing that don’t take it [Music] personally I want to know if anyone is going to take responsibility for tonight’s catastrophe what did you experience out there tonight in general um a lot of people were quite happy out there to be honest with you you know I I’ve had no complaints all night what fascinates me about you is you’re either totally [ __ ] oblivious to what’s going on in your own establishment or you’re [ __ ] living a nightmare inside your your mind you cannot see what’s going on I can’t see what’s going on Gordon I’m not stupid I’m not stupid I can’t see what’s going on but I can’t deal with all these things on my own I’ve been trying to keep this float for 3 years by doing a little bit of everything but thank you okay Helen was diabolical whole thing is a sh thank you and you know what you’re the most [ __ ] honest person in here you know that and the more honest you’re going to be okay the more chance this place has got a [ __ ] survival good night good night thanks good 50% of British restaurants close down within 3 years often because they’re not even owners know nothing about the business Sandy and her daughters can’t decide who’s in charge their sibling rivalry simmering away Helen and Laura are both desperate to control the restaurant but from what I’ve seen only one sister stands out there’s certain issues with family and a sister wants to do it and I want to do it and we’re at the moment sharing it between each other and I think what we need is a kick up the backside and we all need to realize that you know this is it and we need to person to control it yeah are you capable of running this place you personally yeah I am capable of running it I think I’m the Practical one in the family I’m a bit more grounded than the other two they’re fantastic but very similar and a bit Airy fairy we are in the [ __ ] are we not yeah definitely that’s the reason why I need to open things up yeah everything come out identify the issues and and and start tackling them to save the restaurant there’s got to be a radical management shakeup so today I’m going to be cruel to be kind all I saw last night was just individuals running around like headless chickens acting like children hence the reason why we’re in a [ __ ] playground right what’s your role general manager front of house bollocks no chance no chance this is this is serious now you sadly whether you like it or not okay are not capable of becoming a general manager in that establishment we’ve got far too many chiefs yeah I agree with you and insufficient Indians you need to delegate to other people and tell them what she can’t do it she goes and washes up for 15 minutes to make sure the kitchen Porter is there next week and she she need to delegate jobs so I agree with you make sure that what she’s doing is a restaurant manager job yeah your job fr the house it’s where I want to be you’re the host meeting and greeting and sitting people down yes yeah happy with that your position is the assistant manager who’s the manager then don’t get defensive can I just do one at a time yes yeah no one’s leading unless we got defin R sorry to interrupt you that Gordon I was away last night and if I had have been there things maybe would have been slightly different but the whole shoulders of the restaurant wait on you know you coming in you wouldn’t have changed anything last night cuz it was just dire it was shambolic sweetheart and it was best with your interest not to be there last night excuse me one thing you’ve got is balls you know that I like the way that you [ __ ] blatantly know what the problems are but You’ got to get it off your chest you know that and what you scared about being the manager confrontation no it’s not so much that it’s actually being given sole responsibility cuz at the moment yeah sister just walked off there cuz she’s obviously LA are you going to come in or yeah thank you baby you can prove yourself you know it’s fair this is not a discussion to separate you two or to argue among you two yeah but unfortunately 1 2 three are doing all the same job sorry you got it completely wrong let me just finish what I’m trying to say once we’ve all defined our roles then we can put it into the pot yeah and clearly you’re upset yeah I am clearly upset and that is a stinky attitude and how can you walk away like a child I’m the one who’s run the business on my own when these two were on holiday together you tell these two to do my role and you can stick back on I’m sorry I typical typical what we we decid typical she worked so hard God he trying to do is to I know we haven’t been here are you running away come over come over no you don’t know Laur grow up calm down can’t do what about the big sister here you’re not even listening she’s fantastic but when she runs out I have to pick the [ __ ] up calm down back in the morning calm down here Laura it’s completely stupid walking off let her walk off let her walk off what’s your role general manager front of house bollocks no chance Morgan’s Restaurant was being run like a lady’s lunch Club until I made Helen general manager one thing you’ve got is balls you know that her sister Laura didn’t like it one bit you tell these two to do my role and you can stiff back I’m sorry I typical well that’s tough they either change or go bankrupt Morgans can only Survive by attracting local people before I redesign the menu I’ll have to find out what they really want what do you look for when you out your local um something quick um tasty simple have you heard of Morgans yes and feedback too good I’m afraid what would you look for in your local restaurant to be treated nice for the staff and to be treated as an individual good and how much do you expect to pay for dinner what would you be happy with eyes don’t pay my Bo friends will pay Morgan’s menu belongs in a bad expensive gastro pub my plan is to modernize it with fresh ingredients and low the prices we stripped It Back to Basics and HED in on good local honest produce and kept it very very simple something light vibrant a salmon for instance poaching a really nice ainal broth but it doesn’t get any better than [Music] that we’re going to buy one item here something simple something local Morgan’s middleclass neighborhood is full of Foodies they love fresh tasty ingredients served up in health healthy attractive dishes incredibly Sandy and Phil haven’t realized this even though there’s a great Organic Market on their doorstep s Sandy nice to meet you slightly Dotty guess where she gets some meat from uh obious on a supermarket it is a supermarket yeah that’s right however that stopped now and we’re going to look for some lamb steak something simple something local and something not too expensive okay this is excellent locally produced lamb just gives a little bit of excitement from The Waitresses to sort of a this is local organic lamb B we got it from the farmers market this morning in our street and it just starts to make it feel a little bit more [ __ ] romantic thank you excited about would be 536 we don’t do Tesco Clum points so call it 550 okay lamb Stak yes yes little bit Rosemary little bit of garlic yeah Bone’s gone there’s a selftaught chef who knows very little so I’ll have to start from scratch with him what you’ve got to do is just remember you’re stepping up to the challenge huh big time this lamb steak is my first dish designed for Morgan’s traditional menu get some color on there not quite we’ll serve it for Sunday lunch tomorrow and then finally yeah gravy lamb sauce over the top now if anyone complains paying 12250 for a lamb steak it’s clean it’s local it’s fresh that for me uzi’s value for money it’s just about going back to basics really simple dish tasty easy to do he just wants me to succeed [Music] like Sunday isn’t a day of rest in the restaurant business there’s lots of money to be made incredibly Morgan’s was closed on Sunday but to test my new team and my new menu I’ve decided to open for lunch it’s Helen’s day off so sensitive assistant manager Laura is in charge Laura or supposed to be where in the [ __ ] is everyone today was a big chance to impress me she said she’s got a business degree Lauren so who’s running it today the manager is in oneone of our So-Cal I’m not sure where the Laur is in today so who’s leading it today who’s running the [ __ ] restaurant today basically Laura on her own probably will she be in it’s a [ __ ] joke what’s worse is Laura’s responsibility to sort out the reservations where’s the table plan for today Laur must have it we’re just the chefs my host Sandy hasn’t turned up either [ __ ] plot thickens She haven’t in a chest last night so this place needs a person to come in the morning open up and [ __ ] Inspire everyone check on the kitchen work with the kitchen table plan and give some umph but it’s like a it’s like a free house here you know that it’s 12:45 and Laura still not here you reach Laura if you like to a message I’ll come hi Laura um good afternoon it’s Gordon I’m in the restaurant I can’t believe I’m chasing the management to come into work in their own restaurant on such a crucial day [Music] I’ve been told s’s at home resting Sandy Sandy but she won’t even [Music] answer oh [ __ ] hell Sunday Bloody Sunday if you’re not prepared to face up the responsibilities of running a [ __ ] business then why open it in the first place pathetic [ __ ] pathetic morning morning Laura finally turns up but no [Music] apology to cap it all she can’t even find her own table plan has anybody seen the page at the Box no the first customers are due in 20 minutes 2 hours ago we were in the same you know situation that’s what I said are we looking for it now she just been rude Laur look come here minute come here minute come here minute is is this because things ran quite smoothly last night so it’s like a ploy to sort of mess things up I’ll run the [ __ ] show if you don’t show me some form of [ __ ] business study degree that you’ve been [ __ ] Haring on you’ve got I just can’t well stop being so [ __ ] stupid now you’re blaming me for the [ __ ] reservation book 2 hours ago when you were in bed we were in here looking for the [ __ ] thing it’s gone can we move on and try to get some form of shape in this restaurant okay isn’t that the most sensible thing to do but let me just tell you what I’ve witnessed in the last three house here hello you can shake your head and run off again this time I don’t give a [ __ ] but don’t dare blame me for this chaotic mess you don’t have to be L come here a minute I’m oh not again not again not again bollock unbelievable hi Helen I’m desperate for a real manager I’m just concerned Helen you know that I’m just like [ __ ] staff have gone the two in the kitchen okay thank you bye-bye bye Helen’s on her way in but I have to run it until she gets here Emma you serve the starters come around and jump on the main coures yeah how are you welcome good to see you how are now we’re up against it a birthday party for 12 have turned up unannounced clear your space clear area so you’ve got a nice clean yeah area to think and [ __ ] work in yeah welcome good to you it’s been a bit of a manic morning for Sunday just face the music and dance at least someone’s happy for what we’re about to receive may the great architect of the universe make us truly thankful am with filling the kitchen they might well need the almighty’s help I hope to God he remembers what I’ve taught [Music] him now I’m reduced to waiting on tables it’s how I started out the birthday man himself thank you you’re allowed a second portion and the third vegetabl to something what’s wrong talk to me I forgot to put the sauce on come on come on thank concentrate concentrate come on what I need in here hey is for you to stay on top of it you know that yeah yeah before you start sending that main course in your mind have a little rehearsal lamb cabbage potato carrot sauce just run it through and the more you test your mind you can’t forget the Cavalry has arrived at last Helen am I happy to see you what I’m more pissed with anything is just the most amazing [ __ ] potential lunch fully booked waiting this for lunch and [ __ ] yeah a golden opportunity going down the yeah however you’re here yeah stabilize the ship thank you for all your [Music] help come on Phil don’t forget what’s in the oven and start organizing how you going to start dressing nine main courses with Emma em yes Che the CH pleas we need more Phil’s concentration deserts him and he’s making charcoal again oh dear that b at least one Chef here has high standards Phil’s suf Emma turns out to be a dark horse she’s quick diligent and passionate her talents go beyond sticky tofe pudding Phil can’t cope without her it’s like home cooking isn’t it it’s like this has really kicked everything into touch now it’s beautiful means a while to me to St busy on a Sunday cuz it just wasn’t and that’s why I’m here now so that things go well we take a lot of money and they’ll be all back next Sunday I was right to put Helen in charge we’ve just about got away with it but with Sandy ignoring me and Laura’s drops it’s not good enough you got to understand I’m feeling sick I arrived here this morning and it was pandemonium so whilst I totally respect you weren’t feeling well I can still do with your support you have my support we’re drawing a line today and we’re moving forward it’s not a lifestyle it’s a business and we’re going to treat it like a business I want you to let your Chef do his job and if he doesn’t do that job get rid of him really sorry but if you don’t [ __ ] act and cook and run this place like a head chef and don’t expect to be [Music] here I’ve been really struggling with how to relaunch this shambolic restaurant but I’ve had an idea to invite some local celebrities and create a stir around here it’s listed with Wags actresses and actors Holly Oaks is filmed around the corner and it’s a perfect opportunity to get some really good publicity for the restaurant so it’s neighborhood and the minute anyone spots anyone famous in there they all want to descend upon it so that creates a buzz it’s a Race Against Time for Phil he’s got to master some classic and healthy recipes to lure those ladies who lunch taste and tell me what that needs salt yeah good Emma’s the best thing in the kitchen with her helping Phil we may succeed with the relaunch you are the second Chef there’s no reason why not you can’t run this place down the line in his day off yeah you’re more I really mean that and if you can be that passionate about a sticky tofe pudding [ __ ] knows what you’re going to be like when you let loose on [ __ ] meat or fish huh for the relaunch I thought of a new role for Sandy to stop a meddling why don’t we for the first time ever in between courses start or off some of these items oh wow I’m very impress yeah selling antiques is what she’s good at and there’s plenty around to keep her occupied just in between courses we can start moving some of the stuff the great thing is of all he’s actually defined everyone’s Rail and that’s it now we’re all going to stick to it and life should be a lot [Music] better we fully booked for the relaunch today and I’m nervous I’ve staked my reputation on [Music] Morgans key to my strategy is Phil’s ability to cook my new menu but I’m still not convinced about him by Chicken in skin side down first olive oil Why Not Butter put put little bur on the P yeah M he has to concentrate on getting the basics right you can just slow down for me and [ __ ] think a little bit harder we’re [ __ ] 90% of the way there you know that yeah yeah do not get distracted excellent morning morning how are you come through come through on come through all right let me put these now just going through two or three dishes chicken with the lentils and the poach salmon in an Autumn broth mhm and nice crispy skin tasty very tasty you have got to realize the potential here 48 book for tonight normal restaurants are struggling to get [ __ ] five in let’s go through it’s time for a pep talk and my ragtag team needs some help even from sensitive flowers Laura has finished sulking and has decided to lend a hand Laura welcome back thank you concerned about assistant manager manager or just concerned about running the place just concerned that the place is running smoothly good I’ve still expected him to rar hello but for now hello I’m quite happy I’m quite stable he unsettles [Laughter] [Music] me [ __ ] big night tonight yeah it’s could be something quite major don’t [ __ ] it when the [ __ ] hits the fan we stay United we’ve all got our jobs to do with no interference no interference I’m very happy I’m very happy to take a back seat the celebrities of taking the bait first in are hly oak Stars Sarah Dunn and Jennifer bidd the footballers wives have come too including Louise Owen Michael’s wife and next in is Sher Murphy where Wags hang out others will surely follow my strategy is paid off good to see you hungry St yes going to eat dessert as well yeah there no skinny minis here AR they we got proper proper proper Foodies okay who doesn’t need to be behind the bar there’s no one on the floor there’s five people behind the bar Helen’s cracking the Whip and keeping Sandy and the waitresses in line the new menu is going down well can I get the roast chicken table set and fre chicken but Phil has a problem Laura an order she taken you took it on table s and there’s no check in the kitchen and nothing on the top there an order has gone missing and the customers are waiting they be waiting 20 minutes can you go and sort it out please did you get a table6 in well come on guys it was the and smoke salmon for me and chicken and L start us out straight away please M yeah it’s not your fault yeah one had it one salmon one chicken one lamb please Phil yeah try and push that table forward f h and night like tonight Joy thank [ __ ] the kitchen solo that’s all I’m saying oh God two rotos yes yes good man don’t drop yeah no will’ll Phil keep his concentration and cook my menu well enough to impress Walton’s glitterati this is do more [ __ ] nothing it’s very hard to keep F contion despite the [ __ ] up everyone seems happy I just hope the customers want to bid for s’s antiques Sandy may be clueless about running restaurants but when it comes to selling antiques she’s a natural Mr Ram what are we going to start at do house £2 but somebody will give me £2 20 is 20 30 on50 is one old [Music] Chien 70 over there 80 90 00 that’s your [Music] bid diry Chef’s a Happy Chef like a pig in [ __ ] let’s go we have table 10 you thank we’re selling at £45 now I’ll get it I’ll get it oh 50 just in time50 the local celebrities are flashing their cash but what do they think of the food it’s very nice it’s delicious actually cuz it’s a bit crispy but it’s also very tender as well it’s lovely really really nice I’m really impressed I definitely come back again it’s been somewhere that I’ve never actually come along to because I’ve heard good and bad things about it but um yeah definitely come back Phil’s cooked his heart out and not burnt a thing a feel more in control as he says as he just [ __ ] knocked the salt over [ __ ] H what a [ __ ] Emma’s played a vital role too I’m just think it’s gone well today it’s it’s been a pleasure to work today actually selling at £65 Morgan is transformed just a week ago it was in chaos under Doty Sandy serving up tasteless St from a supermarket £40 thank you very much indeed F good H that’s what I do what you in your element for God sake I’ve never seen you so [ __ ] happy how much did you take and [ __ ] selling the Antiques what did we sell 5600 5600 fantastic sorry in 15 minutes that’s [ __ ] good news [ __ ] hell tonight you found your role don’t take that the wrong way but that’s what you’re good at doing I agree with you and you have been the toughest nut I’ve ever attempted to crack yeah yeah okay dining room I just want you two to to combine no one’s in competition with each other you know you both have an amazing [ __ ] role yeah the kitchen solid I cannot tell you the difference from tonight in comparison to what went on 7 days ago is extraordinary and the minute you start changing it and reverting back to the old ways you’re [ __ ] [Music] I’m back in Liverpool it’s a month after I turned failing beastro Morgans into a packed Neighborhood Restaurant but there’s been a shocking development Helen’s told me that following her R she’s let someone go um I’m on the search for Phil um he’s left Morgan’s and uh you he set up camp here so uh time to get a hold of him find out what the [ __ ] going on really Jesus what the [ __ ] are you doing here how are everyone how are you good to see you feeling sound you looking well I feel well what happened she said that um she had loads of complaints so my services were not required no more there’s not a lot of can do about it now so I’ve moved on and I end up put me Mark on without me there Phil’s concentration went again but his actually good news now as a sue Chef he’ll train under an experienced head chef to stay focused do what I’m supposed to do listen and concentrate more on my job just feel less stressed just want to take that please it’s for the best that Phil has left Morgans and I’m pleased for him I’m off to the restaurant to find out the owner’s side of the story I’m worried about what’s happened to my menu and just who’s cooking it slightly nervous because it was a month ago [ __ ] hard work and I came across an owner that was totally clueless when it came to running a business ladies hello how are you are you well thank you good to see you you well hello yes nice to see you how are you got that color back on your cheeks again how are you D welcome back you you’ve been in the hairdresser oh yes you looking Immaculate as ever thank you very much lovely so who’s in the kitchen Emma’s still here Emma is now our head chef is being yeah fantastic news my biggest worry about Phil was the level of his concentration we had to let him go we thought that you know where we want to be and Emma was the next step and she’s been there for us and dedicated and 100% we’ve had from us so hello so Emma the Dark Horse of the kitchen has been rewarded for all her hard work have you taken the Rings yeah I’ve tried to I’m getting more confidence I remember you saying to me come out your corner you’re like a little mouse everyone said to me oh Emma’s got very authorative in the kitchen I’m pleased I’m so pleased that means the whole place is been run by females by females which is working [ __ ] well what I’m dying to eat I can’t believe how quiet this is the beef looks fantastic out there with a clerc mash brazed beef yeah and brazed with apricots definitely not that sauce now P chefs are predominantly male and it’s just good that I I’m having a go and someone’s given me the chance to have a go i’ stoed me to prove myself now so last week we took just under £4,000 yeah Helen’s computerized the accounts a big contrast to s’s chaos week before I came here you barely hit ,500 we were lose and then we broke even and now we’re in profit and we have done for 3 weeks we’ve been in profit you seem a lot more confident than you did for a month ago yeah in terms of your role yeah defined i’ well people have sort of had confidence in me which is the you know the first thing about can portray what you want to do and put your foot down and people don’t listen to you but once you’ve been given a defined role and people start believing in you then yeah it actually gives you power and wings to want to fly and do what what you do it’s great to see the restaurant fall and Emma is so tuned into the menu that she’s even added a dish of her own braed beef thank you loveely picking look how tender that beef is he’s just falling apart almost like it’s melting on your fork wow that’s delicious [ __ ] hell it’s so upsetting you know that in comparison to dinner I had last time I was here I just cannot compare this is delicious food was delicious really good absolutely spot on I wanted it and PR yes yeah you certainly did that don’t stop yeah good night good night ladies thank you not a man in sight not a man in sight is just the way we like it not a man in sight the ladies of Morgan’s are now making money against all the odds girl power has Sav this restaurant see the wine next I’m happy Morgans is now running as a neighborhood restaurant Helen’s in control of the business Emma clearly knows what the [ __ ] she’s doing in the kitchen and she seems so much more confident happy customers happy St half and the food was delicious thank God for that Morgan’s it’s got it right thank Fu for that just let me get on with it it be a d better let you get on with it this floor be KNE deep in sh1t before you rang me up all aggressive I were getting on with you fine I were respecting you giving it all the like gentlemanly bloody stuff I could do and then you went and shot it down [ __ ] p no don’t turn it on me if a floor is filthy turn it doesn’t matter anymore FL was filthy does it matter I think we I think we’ve established that look yeah yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] FL that’s worse [Applause] [Music] 6 and a half minutes that’s not bad does it taste as good as it looks very nice you have got your passion back you know that that is [ __ ] delicious Ma [Music] do you actually get a shot you don’t get a shot now this is where David needs to sit inside so we can wake him up and get his numb [ __ ] head out of his bre and nectarines and get back to some good on his food sh do [ __ ] hell [Music] for that [Music] he [Music]